No, the moon | skye x everest

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"You think the stars can hear us?"

Skye blinked. Her gaze was still stared up at the sky, watching the blue clouds drift by. They reminded her of cotton candy, or maybe of bunny tails. She was on her back with her paws resting on her chest. Her ear perked, looking over at the husky next to her.

"The stars?" her brows furrowed, "I don't know."

Everest chuckled a little, which made Skye's heart thump in her chest, "If they can, I'll be real embarrassed," her voice came softly, and sweetly, "I can't even begin to explain how much I told them over the year."

"Oh yeah?" Skye smirked, rolling over on her side to face Everest, "Like what?"

"You know I can't tell you that," Everest smiled slightly.

Skye smiled a little sadly, closing her eyes.

"That one up there is Celsius." Everest spoke suddenly.

"Celsius-?" Skye repeated as she opened her eyes again.

"That star up there." Everest was pointing her paw up at the clear sky above, at a single flickering star that shone brighter than the other faint ones in the sky.

Skye snorted, "You name the stars?"

"Sometimes." Everest laughed, "When I was a pup I used to do it a lot. I used to write down all of the names I gave the stars in my journal."

"You don't anymore?"

Everest shrugged, "Nah..." was her answer. Her expression seemed to have softened in what looked like sadness, "I got too old for that stuff."

"Not old enough if you still do it." Skye retorted playfully.

"Shut up," Everesed rolled over on her side to lay nose-to-nose with Skye, "I only told you because I knew you wouldn't find it stupid..."

They sat in silence for a few moments after that, staring up at the clouds that drifted slowly above, covering the moon in a soft blanket.

"That one up there-" Skye pointed at one of the other fainter stars, "-is Solar."

"Shouldn't it be Lunar?"

"Solar, and that's final," Skye fixed her with a challenging stare.

"Hey, it's our star children, I should be able to have a say in the names!" the husky let out a small 'hmph!' sound, sticking her nose up to pout playfully. Skye could still see the slight smile on her face though.

Celsius and Solar, Skye thought, looking at both of the stars.

"We're gonna be great star-moms." Skye snorted after another comfortable silence.

Everest giggled, snuggling into Skye's side. Skye's face flushed with warmness.

The stars must be rolling their eyes right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2020 ⏰

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