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In the usual city of the Kabuki District, it was a beautiful morning - the sky was a magnificent blue with a hint of cotton candy clouds decorating the sky with its brilliant different shapes as they world ran by the hour. The bustling streets of Kabuki was filled with variations of people of different kimonos on a very breezy yet sunny day. Not too hot nor cold - it was just the perfect weather.

In one specific spot, there was a two story wooden house with a bar. The comfortable house had stairs leading if to the right of the Snack Shop Otose sign towards Yorozuya Gin - chan. The little banner on the banister provided the confirmation that they were the Yorozuya, where all problems (big or small) were solved. Despite this fact, an unusual situation was currently being taken place within the establishment.

In a spacious room, a young man with brilliant silver hair and magenta eyes woke up with a shaken figure, sweat pooling down his trembling body after such a horrid nightmare, despite being so early in the morning. He looked around the room to discover that nothing was out of place, just the usual sun inviting itself into his room through his thin curtains and casting shadows upon opaque objects.

Sighing heavily, he decided he needed to take a shower and stood up, only to feel that his body was lighty than expected. He was confused, did he puke his guts out the night before? Did he visit the hospital for a stomach removal? Did he die? He started coldly sweating at the thought of dying that he swiftly scrambled out of his room to his bathroom. He almost slipped upon the cold, slippery tiles as soon as he made his grand entrance.

Staring into the mirror, he saw something so out of the ordinary that he'd rather eat mayonnaise than live like this. Before him, he saw a familiar pretty, feminine face, wide enchanting eyes with long eyelashes and his usual magenta eyes. His soft lips reflected under the light and his hair was less messier. He realised how thin his neck was to the promotion of his smaller collarbones and his small, almost petite, structure.

Looking down further, he saw something even more that he was happy with, two stress balls - his breasts. They were decently big and plump. His small waist somehow not collapsing underneath from the weight of his breasts and this his hips. They were also decently big and saw how they descended down to pretty legs and feet. Somehow, to cover this all up, he wore his usual green pyjamas and saw how loose they were, effectively showing off his cleavage. At this point, he didn't care all too much about his female gender. He just wanted his dick back to spread genes so that he didn't feel the pain of labour. Honestly, that amount of pain would be too much to handle for him, especially a male turned female.

Sighing hopelessly, she decided to just live it out because she knew this wasn't a normal virus infecting her. This was a fanfiction and the reader was going to do whatever she wanted to do.

She sighed once again, this time in frustration. However, she automatically held her breath when she heard the shoji door open. The familiar sound of the door sliding left and right indicated of Shinpachi's return for the nth time that week.

"Gin - san! Kagura - chan! Are you awake?"

She lightened up at the idea that everyone could've possibly gone through this sex change. She hurried outside, almost slipping once again, only to discover that it was just Shinpachi. No pink glasses. No indication of a sex change. Nothing.

Mentally, she screamed out in frustration, pain and anxiety for her lost dick. Physically, she stood staring at Shinpachi who dropped all sense of life and grip. The shopping bag he held dropped to the floor while his eyes went blank, posture rigid with shock.

They both started before Kagura woke up, "Oi, what's wrong with you guys? What happened with Gin - chan? Are you actually a transparent, Gin - chan?"

Shinpachi and Gintoki turned their heads towards her, giving a sentimental and salty look at the pun she just casually tossed out. They just ignored her comment, causing her go pout at the boys' actions of rudeness but woke up and started to get ready for the day. During this time, Gintoki was screaming and frantically hyperventilating at the loss of his dick. He needed it back - how was he going to cope if he loses his breasts instead of his balls? He mentally shuddered at the thought of losing something else other than his balls that were no longer present.

After awhile, Shinpachi managed to get Gintoki to calm down and to sit down, giving her her beloved strawberry milk. Upon seeing her strawberry milk, she instantly became exhilarated - her beautiful eyes sparkling like a toddler with chocolate. In just a few gulps, the carton was finished, slamming the empty carton with a satisfying sigh.

After calming down, she looked at Shinpachi and then at Kagura. Both of them were still in their usual genders, so why was it just him, damn it?! He sighed harshly as he remembered that he was still a female, no matter how much strawberry milk he drinks, this won't be fixed unless he lived through this nightmare. Just then did he realise that he had to deal with periods and possible future pregnancies...

He screamed once again.

Posted: 11 / 08 / 2020.

Words: 900 (roughly).

Author: Leemoons.

Copyright: All Rights Reserved @ Sorachi Hideaki.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2020 ⏰

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