The beginning

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19 year old Gwen sat in her room doing her work for the university she was attending. Architecture. She never thought she would be studying that. Her parents saw her building on the sims once, and a bright idea popped into their head. Their daughter was going to be an architect. Why not be one? They pay a lot and you only have to do 5 years of college. Not to mention Gwen couldn't say no after her parents got her into one of the top universities in America. She didn't mind it that much she liked designing homes. It was a job she could do, and much to her parents liking, she enjoyed it also. At least they haven't forced her to marry anyone, she thought. But of course, karma is a b*tch.

Gwen was now almost finished with her work for the day. She decided to live with her parents, because her mother thought the dorm room was too ugly, and didn't fit their daughter's necessities.
"Gwen darling!" Her mother said from the outside of her door.
"Yes come in!" She shouted and rolled her eyes.
What did her mother want now? Her parents only talked to them when they needed something. Sounds bad, but it's true. They were too busy with work. Her mother is an pediatrician, and her father is a criminal lawyer. They both met after college, and immediately made the one and only Gwen. An only child, yet it almost felt like her parents didn't even have a child, with their busy work schedules.
"Yes?" Gwen hissed at her mom.
"Gwen will you put on a cute outfit," Her mom says going to her walk in closet. "Here, how about this one," She says pulling it out.
"Why?" I ask as I get up and grab the dress.
"Well the Thomas family is coming over tonight!" Her mother says with jazz hands.
The Thomas's were a family friend.
Mr. Thomas works with her father. He is a fancy businessman type of guy, and he doesn't really talk much.
Mrs. Thomas is a celebrity stylist. She's done everyone's makeup, hair, and has many lines of clothing. Not to mention all of the fashion brands and celebrities she has worked with, she's basically a celebrity of her own. She is besties with Gwen's mother. Literally, they are always hanging out like high school girls, going to the mall, gossiping about their husbands, that type of sh*t.
Alexander, or Alex for short, is the youngest son of the Thomas's. He is 12 years old, and one of the brightest kids. He isn't a bad kid, honestly the best in the whole family. Gwen finds herself tutoring him on Saturdays and Sunday's. He's a sweet boy who gets bullied because of his disability. Gwen understands how it feels and tries to help him and be a good friend.
Matteo, or Matt, is the middle son. He's an annoying teenage 15 year old boy. What does he do? He plays video games, parties, etc. He always tries to hit on Gwen, which she finds annoying.
Last but not least, Christoper, or Chris. Their parents always wanted Gwen and Chris to be besties, but they never really talked. He's 22, going on 23, and just finished Engineering school. He literally already has his own engineering business, because of his daddy. Not sure if he likes engineering, or his parents are forcing him to do it, since Gwen and him  don't talk.
"Mom put your hands down. Your so weird," Gwen says rolling her eyes. "Get to the point mom," She tells her mom.
"I need you to put on something cute, and join us for dinner," He says smiling.
"Fine," I tell her.
"Okay come down to the dinner table when your done!" He mother says with excitement as she exits her mom.

"Okay come down to the dinner table when your done!" He mother says with excitement as she exits her mom

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Gwen changes into her dress, touched up her makeup, and fixes her hair before going downstairs.

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