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they'll never take my power...

"You tormented me for threatened to kill me if I didn't follow your unreasonable harmed me both physically and mentally..and you murdered innocent people while I just stood there in the background not knowing what to feel or what to do..being restrained of all of my free will just because I was promised a better future...that future turned into a dark abyss as time passed. But now...I can put an end to all of you and make sure you never harm another innocent being ever again.."

The skin walker just laughed at Nolan's words.

"Do you honestly think that you alone can defeat me? I'm one of the oldest and strongest leaders in my tribe. You'd be a fool to take me on by yourself. I suppose it doesn't matter. After all, your soul is far more valuable now than the soul of this weakling." the skin walker kicked Erica away from him causing her to grunt in pain.

The creature snapped its fingers and a sword appeared in its hands from a dark cloud.

"You may be the last reincarnation, but your element is air...if I remember correctly, air dragons were more on the defensive side than the warrior side. It makes sense that the spirit chose you. You've always been...the weakest link." the skin walker arrogantly said.

Nolan clenched his fists as he stared down at the creature. Hearing his words fueled his head with rage. He wanted to break every bone in the creature's body and torture him slowly as he begged for mercy.

"You're dead little boy." the creature said as he launched himself towards Nolan. The skin walker swung its sword at Nolan, but the young boy dodged the attack in an instant. The creature's eyes widened as he realized how fast the boy moved. It swung its weapon one more time only to miss once again. After the second attempt, the skin walker kept repeating the same move over and over again, while failing with every swing.

"Wow. Is this all you've got? You said I was going to die at the grasp of your hands. Yet you haven't even laid a single finger on me." Nolan said mockingly.

"Argh! That's enough!" the skin walker yelled out in frustration. It began to whisper some words under its breath and a giant dark ring appeared in the air behind it. A mass number of swords and spears appeared in the air all pointing towards Nolan.

"And don't think you're getting away this time!" the skin walker yelled. The creature lifted its hand and squeezed its fist tightly. Nolan suddenly felt his body being retrained in mid air. He looked down and saw really thin strands of string tied around his wrists and ankles.

"What the-what is this?" Nolan said out loud. The skin walker laughed at the sight before him.

"There's no escape traitor! Today is the day you die!".

The creature screamed as it commanded all of the swords and spears towards Nolan. Before the weapons reached Nolan, the creature noticed that the boy suddenly disappeared out of thin air. It's eyes widened at the realization. The weapons struck the giant wall across the enormous room. Some resulting in falling to the ground from the high altitude, while others stayed pierced on the wall.

"What? What just happened?" the creature exclaimed.

"Maybe you were right about air dragons being more on the defensive side..but that changes starting with me!" Nolan said as he reappeared behind the creature. Before it could turn around, Nolan punched him as hard as he could sending the creature flying in the direction of the spears and swords that were pierced on the wall. A gust of wind blew everything around the room as he struck the creature. The creature managed to control itself in mid air before it could crash against the wall filled with the weapons.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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