Chapter 2 - Let's Play A Game

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This really isn't so bad.

The Heelshire's left me a note before leaving. It has all the rules listed in order from one to ten.

1. No Guests

2. Never Leave Brahms Alone

3. Save Meals in Freezer

4. Never Cover Brahms' Face

5. Read a Bedtime Story

6. Play Music Loud

7. Clean the Traps

8. Only Malcolm Brings Deliveries

9. Brahms is Never to Leave

10. Kiss Goodnight

Malcolm comes around every now and then to bring Brahms and I groceries and ingredients to make food. Brahms keeps me company throughout the days.

Malcolm asks to stay a bit longer every so often and I'll agree. We'll sit and talk in the giant living room whilst I hold Brahms in my lap.

Each of the rules, I follow. It sometimes comes between Malcolm and I talking or hanging out but I'm getting paid to be here with Brahms, not anyone else. Malcolm is just helping me pass the time.

Every now and then, I'll sing to Brahms instead of playing his music. I'll learn the songs that we usually play on the phonograph and sing them as best as I can, nice, clear and loud for him.

For lunch, I'll make us sandwiches or small bowls of fruit. 

I'll read him stories and act some of them out for him. I know it's only in my head, but sometimes I honestly feel like I can hear the subtle giggles of a young boy.

And it only makes this more real.

I'm starting to understand why the Heelshire's treated Brahms as a real boy. It truly is healing. It becomes seriously real, sometimes so much to where I find myself wishing the boy could speak. 

Wishing we could run around and play together, wishing we could laugh and sing and dance..

Wishing this was real.

But recently..

Things have gotten a bit weird.

My belongings have been disappearing, I'll leave an empty room for a second only to come back to a room filled with toys or books.

What's really been scaring me..

Is that when I leave Brahms in his room when I shower or take care of the traps.. 

I'll come back to find Brahms sitting right in front of the door, definitely not where I last left him.

So I decided to play a game. A real game, where it takes at least two players.

I know I'm likely going crazy but.. It's worth a try, isn't it?

And it definitely isn't like I have anything better to do.

"Brahms?" I call out to him, opening the door of his bedroom to find him sitting on his bed. "We're going to switch things up just a tad today, okay?"

Walking towards him, I can see his glossy eyes looking directly at me, his face perfectly directed towards where I'd be most likely to enter the room.

I didn't do that.

My hands slide under his arms and I lift him up onto the side of my torso, smiling at him. "We're going to play a quick game. Hide N' Seek. Have you ever played Hide N' Seek before, Brahms?" I ask him, not expecting a response.

"It's very fun and interactive. And it should be even better with such a large house." As I speak, I carry him all the way to the foyer, "For the first round, you can hide and I'll try and find you, okay?"

I set him down on a chair facing the stairs, "You can hide anywhere you want, and I'll look for you. But you have to promise to stay inside the house. I'll give you.. two whole minutes and I'll promise not to peek!"

I look into his glass eyes and smile warmly, "And don't be afraid, Brahms. I know you're shy, but you know you can trust me. I just want to play a new game with you."

With those last words, I turn around and cover my eyes with my palms and begin counting. When I get to thirty seconds I realize how stupid this idea is and I nearly give up, until an idea hits me.

Brahms is more than just shy.

He's afraid. He's only ever interacted  with his parents, if he's even interacted.

I also have to remember that there's a strong chance this won't work.. and I'm only playing Hide N' Seek with a doll...

"Okay, Brahms.. I'll be more fair." I say, still having my hands cover my eyes, "I'll go to a different room, so you'll have a better chance at hiding, yeah?"

I try to side-step my way into the kitchen without turning around or peeking but I only bump into a few things. Yet, I continue and make it there, hitting my forehead on the door frame first.

Once again, I feel like I can hear the giggles of the young boy but it's only my imagination fooling me. 

After I hear the door finally close, I continue counting out loud.

I count up to one minute and twenty two seconds up until..

I hear it.

The sound that I was secretly hoping for.

But.. I'm also..

I'm actually a bit frightened.

Footsteps and the subtle sound of porcelain on the hardwood floors..

No way.

"Brahms?" I wait a few more seconds until it finally hits the quarter of two minutes, and I slowly open the door.

Is it Possible? (Brahms Heelshire x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ