the one with the study hall

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Stuart: So! First day of high school! Freshman year! What are you up to, dorks?

Stiles: Not that it's any of your business, jerk, but we are trying out for the team.

Stuart: Lacrosse? Right, because it's incredibly attractive when an asthmatic and a noodle try out for a very violent sport's team, waiting to crash them to pieces.

Scott: Why do you have to be so rude! I don't see you winning the Olympics. Plus the tryouts are before the classes, so I doubt there would be anyone aside from the boys.

Stuart: Because that's all you need, right?

Stiles: Stop assuming that we're not straight, ok? I don't see you being surrounded with any hos (sorry for the language, peeps)

Right after he said those words, guess who entered the study hall. The big bad wolf man with bulging biceps, a slight beard and cute bunny teeth.

-That is very disrespectful to call girls that, Stiles! U thought you were raised better than that!

Stiles: Derek? What the hell are you doing here? Aren't you a little old to be in high school?

Derek: Language, young man. I'm not here as a student, but as a new specialist of history, aka your new history teacher.

Stuart: Am I the only one sensing the sexual tension rise from 0 to an infinity in a couple seconds?

Scott: You know, Stuart, I'm starting to think that we're not the ones hiding our true identity.

Lydia Martin graciously entered the room, and joins the group dialogue, rushing to greet the new BHHS employee.

Lydia: Ok, let's stop the incredibly homophobic dialogue and let's show a proper welcome to Mr Hale!

Derek: Lydia! How pleasant it is to see you, darling!

Lydia: This us so wonderful! My mentor, my older best friend is my new history teacher! Looking forward to your first class!
*Bell rings*

Stiles: Ok, this was, mediocre, Scott and I gotta get to the tryouts.

Lydia: You're trying out for the lacrosse team? We gotta be there!
She addresses to everyone

Stuart: No way, Queen Bee. I'd rather scrape my eyes with my fingernails,  than see these morons embarrass themselves.

Lydia: And that's exactly why you're coming! They're gonna make the cut this year.

Stuart: I'd like to see them try.

Stiles: You know, Stuart, I may look calm, but I already mentally killed you. Twice.

Stuart: I already know that only your subconscious has the guts to do that.

Allison: He said smirking
She said joining the group

Lydia: Now that Allison is here, we can finally go watch the boys practice lacrosse!

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