the one with literal tea

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*Read the picture collage as a start to this part*

( Italic font is Stiles. Normal text is Bonnie)

So! What's up with Stuart and his homophobic jokes?

Don't pay attention, he's messing with me and Scott since the first day of school, implying that we're gay.

That's a surprisingly idiotic hobby!

While, we are on that topic...

Dating topic? Well, this is what I came for! So? Who's the lucky duck to be in a relationship with Stiles Stilinski?

I'm actually not dating anyone, but I have this major crush on my history teacher...

Derek Hale?!

Wait, how do you know?

We studied together in college. Please don't be mad, but I–

Did you sleep with him??

Oh god no! Hahaha, I invited him to dinner to catch up!


Yeahhh. I didn't know you'd have a problem! He's your crush, not enemy!

I do have a problem, because then, I'd have to talk to him besides turning my homework in, and listening to him explain the lesson, with those big, sexy hands and stretching back muscles...

Ok, I get it. Very vivid description.

But now, I have to have dinner with him!? So he would meet my dad and have a technical date with me, before we even start dating, if ever?

Technically he's having dinner with me, because I invited him but whatever. What's the big deal?

What if I choke if I see him flexing his biceps or smiling with his bunny teeth and cute dimples? More importantly, what the hell am I going to wear? More importantly, what the hell are we having for dinner?

We'll find something nice for you to wear, and you're not going to choke. I'm gonna cook for dinner, so relax. The main topic is going to be your heritage that comes from Salem, because Derek was interested in it, so I invited him for dinner to talk more about it. Plus it would be important for you and Stuart to hear it too. It's your heritage, at the end of the day!

the Stilinski twins AUWhere stories live. Discover now