Finding A Temporary Home

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(Copyright - All Rights Reserved (C)  Emily Carroll)

It turned out that homelessness wasn’t all that uncommon at the section of L.A that we had managed to wander our way into.

Liz nodded to a huddle of about 8 people, 3 of which seemed to be about our age. “Should we?” She asked, and I just nodded in response. I took her hand in mine again, tightly this time, as we approached the group of people.

As if knowing why we were approaching a man slid over on the makeshift bench he had made and we took a seat. Elizabeth pulled fruits from her bag and passed them around, I knew she was doing it to pay for our stay, but I also knew it was the only rations we had.

Elizabeth eyed my nervous face and winked, I took that as a sign of ‘don’t worry there’s more.’ I trusted her wholeheartedly, so as I bit into the crisp green apple I tried to forget the worries that had clouded my head only hours ago.

We woke that night to a cat pawing at our faces, Elizabeth in her deep slumber just moaned but I sat up and pulled the remains of a sandwich I ate on the bus and gave them to the now purring cat. It sat on my bag, eyeing me slowly and then proceeded into devouring the food.

I laid back down beside Elizabeth and pulled the covers over us. She had taken two covers and two pillows from the home, all snuck from the supply closet. “Lucy…” She moaned, pulling me to her. I just laughed, brushing her hair from her face. I imagined on the outside looking in at us, we seemed like a runaway lesbian couple, but, it wasn’t that way. Sure I loved Elizabeth and all of her quirkiness, but I knew that she would never return that love the way I wanted her to. So instead, I just loved her to the amount that she would allow me.

So, if anyone were to wonder if I loved Elizabeth as more than my best friend, the answer would be no. Until she allows it to be yes.

After a few more moments Elizabeth awoke, jolting upright. I sat up with her, eyeing her slowly, “Are you okay?”

She looked over at me and smiled, “Of course.”

We packed up our bags after munching on some snacks for breakfast and began to head back onto the road.

We walked for 30 minutes until Elizabeth needed to stop, her breathing heavy with wheezing. “Is everything okay?” I asked, searching my bag for her inhaler.

“It’s just cold.” She said, pulling her jacket tighter to her body.

After I found her inhaler I gave it to her and lead her to a bench outside of a closed restaurant. We sat there in silence until her breathing calmed down and then she looked back over at me, “Lucy, where are we going?”

I furrowed my brows at her, confused at her words, “Elizabeth I thought you had decided.”

“No, I mean I found safe places, but we have no destination.”

I bit my lip before sighing, “You’re right. Maybe we should go back to where we slept last night, think it over a few nights, and then decide soon.”

She took my hand and we both stood, walking back to the only place we had ever felt accepted.

That night we sat around the fire with the other homeless people who slept in the alley way with us. They all told stories about their lives on the streets and what had pushed them there. Elizabeth and I kept quiet, just passing out little rations of our food to everyone, as to maintain our stay.

The other teens seemed to eye us curiously, though I was sure that they didn’t know us.

Elizabeth leaned her head against my shoulder, I was glad the heat of the fire helped her even in the slightest.

“What’s your story?” One of the teen boys said, taking a bite into the pear we had given him.

“We were in the foster system. Our foster homes had beat us, but we were to blame and got sent to a group home, where we were tormented at as well.”

Elizabeth took a sip of her water and sighed, “Seemed better with no home, than having one that made you feel homeless.”

Everyone grew silent after her remark, and after a few moments she tugged on my sleeve, “I’m tired.”

We laid out a cover and placed our pillows down, covering up with the spare blanket.

“Night Luce.” She said to me yawning.

“Night Liz.” I said to her, curling underneath the cover.

Finding Serenity-Serenity Series Book One(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now