-prove it-

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this oneshot is based on the moment in George's stream where Sapnap said "love you" when he left the stream. reminder that this is all fictional and im not a good writer. ahaha enjoy some good old dreamnotfound fluff (ft. jealous wittle clingy dweam)

-prove it-

Dream's POV:

"Bye! Love you." Sapnap said, leaving the stream and the Discord call.

George looked at the camera and rolled his eyes, a small smile on his face. He leaned back in his chair as the chat was spammed with "Say it back", "Awwww" and "Poor Sapnap". Envy twisted my gut.

"Such a weirdo." George muttered, but I swore I could hear something else in his tone. Something I didn't particularly like. A burning undertone.

My stomach clenched as a wave of jealousy swept over me, and I couldn't help but grit my teeth and tense my jaw. George probably sensed a disturbance and turned around, his eyes landing on me. I was laying on my stomach on the bed, watching George's stream on my phone. I looked up at my boyfriend and pursed my lips, my eyes narrowed.

"Um, what's wrong?" He asked, his cute accent prominent. A smile was on his face. I ignored him and went back to watching his chat fly by, muttering something along the lines of what the hell.

"Dream?" He raised an eyebrow. I rolled my eyes and took out an earbud, side-eying George.

"Nothing. Go back to flirting with Sapnap though. You seemed to enjoy that. Just say you love him back already, I'm sure the chat would be so happy to hear it." I shot back, venom in my tone. George wore a puzzled expression for a few seconds before he smiled slyly and turned back to his stream. I felt a pang of sadness in my chest.

"One second, guys." He turned around once more and eyed me with a grin on his face.

"Aww, is poor wittle baby Dweam jealous?" He mocked a coddling mother's tone. I sighed and averted my gaze, my lips twitching with a guilty shame as I set down my phone and earbuds on the pillow.

"A little bit." I admitted timidly. George chuckled and sat down on the bed beside me.

"You really don't need to be. You know I don't like him that way."

"Not enough for me." I crossed my arms like an angry child. He grinned and rolled his eyes, but he brought his eyes back onto my face.

"Mhm, I see." He mused. I felt a blush rise in my face, the blood pooling under my skin. Usually it was harder for me to blush, but a year in London had leeched all of the tan and sun from my skintone. I watched as George looked me in the eye with a soft expression. I sighed and tried to justify my needless jealousy.

"It's just that I-" George pressed a finger to my lips, cutting me off. I looked up at him, my lower lip pouted.

"Shush. Come here." He patted the spot beside him. I sat down and wrapped my arms around myself, hugging my knees to my chest. George rubbed circles on my back and let me rest my head against his neck. I relaxed and loosened, settling into George.
He wrapped his arms around me and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"No need for jealousy, Dream. You've got no competition anywhere." He tilted my chin up with a finger, his hand caressing my jaw. I pouted and looked into his eyes.

"Really?" I asked, dubious. My expression remained skeptical.

"Yes." George said gently, stroking my hair.

"Prove it, then." I demanded, tilting my head up slightly.

George laughed and pressed his lips to mine, a hand in my hair and the other on my neck. He turned his head slightly, the tip of his nose grazing my skin. I kissed him back, wrapping both arms around him.

"I'm so lucky to have you." George whispered, his lips against mine. He brushed a strand of hair off my face and smiled, letting me move my lips to his jaw. George's fingers knotted in my hair as he clutched me closer. Blood burned under my skin as a flush arose on my face. We kissed for a few more seconds before George pulled away slowly. He breathed in my hair and sighed.

"Did I prove it?" He asked softly. I smiled and pressed my lips to his neck once more.

"Not yet. Keep going, babe." I teased him, a greedy glint in my eye.

I was so desperate and gluttonous for more, more, more. My greed for more George and more of his affection was an insatiable thirst that could only temporarily be satisfied, but right now, I was more than satisfied. I was happy. George rolled his eyes and left a slow, soft kiss on my lips, leaving butterflies flurrying about in my stomach. I ran a hand through his hair and grinned, twisting a strand of his dark hair in my fingers.

"Have I proven myself now?" George asked, chuckling as he stroked my forehead with his thumb.

"I guess so." I smiled, light-headed from excitement and filled with a sense of euphoric ecstasy. George's love was like a drug to me, and I was always keen to overdose, especially now. I had what I wanted. George smoothed the back of his hand down the side of my face and cupped my chin with his palm, his fingers curled around my jaw.

"Still jealous?" He raised an eyebrow wittily and released his hold on my face, drawing back but keeping an arm around me.

"I guess not." I said, with a coy smile on my face.


whelp this was a fun little oneshot to write, though its unrealistic (whatever). i guess you guys learned one thing from reading this chapter...

hehe i read too many romance novels

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