It was pointless

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Well, I believe the one who twisted Junko was her manager while she was a model, but i really dunno what he did to her, but one thing Is clear here; whatever it was, it was so so cruel and bad, that Junko herself was twisted forever...

And that manager escaped from Junko to avoid the consequences of His actions... Maybe that manager was killed by Junko... But the pain caused on Junko was too much, and at the end, she was totally twisted...

Remember, the manager probably knew that Junko was homeless because he was the one who adopted her, this means that maybe he knew that if he was going to do something to her, whatever it was, nobody was going to stop it, after all, Junko didn't have a family... Mukuro Is gone, Yasuke Is gone...

Tragic, it's the word I'll use to describe this, a Little girl that was homeless and totally depressed finds someone that adopted her, but at the end, she only found the evil person that Made her the worst human being in the world...

I think that, even if she killed her manager, it was not enough to her, after all, she knew how sh*tty the world Is, she suffered it all, she knew that the hope of Her classmates was just an illusion, in that world, the whole word hope to Junko was fiction, something impossible to reach, and even if she loved her classmates...

She was not going to allow them reach the hope she's not capable of obtain...

While the others can move forward, hope to Junko was totally impossible to reach, to her, hope didn't exist in the first place...

If she was not going to be happy, no one would be happy then, she was not going to allow it...

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