Chapter 1 Dating A Mannequin

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Hello Everyone! Im new to this so pardon me if this chapter is short. 

<FYI>  Im not Japanese but i live here Japan, and English is not my main language s sorry if there are any wrong grammar and misspelled words.

And Also, i change some of the Japanese traits here so its not entirely how they live here. I also wrote some Japanese words with meaning enclosed. If i forgot well just asked me.. and ill try to explain the meaning..

Hoped youll enjoy reading!

Comment Rate! Criticize! do what  you need to do. 


Beep beep

Beep beep

Beep beep

Beep beep

Beep beep

Beep beep

"15 more minutes…" I said in my mind, as my alarm goes off. I put a pillow over my head to block the noise from it.

"Levi! For the millionth time! Pleeeeaassseee!! Wake your ass up! You don’t want to be late on you first day of your job!" shoot! I forgot, today was my first day of being a salary man. I'm 21 now and I just graduated from college with degree on System Engineering and surprisingly landed a job easily, to think how hard it is to get a job due to recession.

"I'm up! You don’t need to shout! And good morning to you too nechan (older sister)!" as I walk out from my room only wearing boxers scratching my behind then scratching my crotch.

"What the hem! Do that in your room!" she hates it every time I do that. "What?! Can't help it Rian" I went back to my room to grab a towel and head to the shower.

After 10 minutes of enjoying my steaming hot shower I went straight to my room open my closet and grab which ever my hand hold on to, grab my suit a neck tie, and a muffler. I love being a man!.

"Breakfast is ready, and your nerd friend Kaz called to remind you of your gathering this Saturday?" Rian said while grabbing my tie and doing it for me.

Me and my big old sister is living together on a small mansion* which our parents gave us, well actually to me only, but my sister insists that she live with me for us to save some money.

"That’s all he said to you?" I look at my watch it's already 7am. I sat on the chair and start eating fast because I have to be on the train station by 7:30.

Kaz is my old time friend, when I mean old, since birth old friend. He's genius and weird, he likes my sister a lot and plans on marrying her one day. Well that is if miraculously my sister would fall for him.

"Pretty much yeah, that’s all he said to me. And of course his corny lines, you know trying to hit on me again" She answered while gobbling a handful of bread in her mouth. My sister is beautiful and a lot of guys hit on her, but one thing men don’t like about her is she eats a lot. I mean she can eat 2 big bowl of ramen by herself in just 10 minutes and still can eat at a smorgasbord. Talk about appetite!

I finished my breakfast and grab my bag. "itekimasu**." I hurried out and the cold breeze of autumn air hit me. It's only mid October but its freezing cold outside and I hate being cold.

I got on the train station 5 minutes early. Great I can still buy my gum and a coffee.

Tan tan tan tan!

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