0.3 - letter three

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dear michael,

i wrote this letter 10 times already, so ill just tell you before i start to cry on the paper again.

today i broke down. I threw some stuff around my room, screamed for a while. It probably sounded like I was getting murdered.

im so sorry,michael. But i had a good reason

My mom came home drunk and hit me. I havent came out of my room since. I don't think she's been taking her medication, which is probably why she did it.

But I don't know why she isn't taking them.

i was thinking about it, then i thought about what you and the boys would tell me if i had a bad day. So i flushed the raser i had.

I feel like a white crayon

in one of your songs, Beside You i think is the name, i really like the meaning of that. It reminds me of your friendship at the moment.

The part in the song where it says " Time stops, i wish that i could rewind. So close but so far away. Can you hear me?" Is so awesome, idk really what word to express it to you but yea.

If im brave enough next letter ill tell you what i was gonna say in the first letter.

again, sorry for the tear stains. i cry too much. I cried at the airport when you guys left and now im crying again.

i miss your touch

i miss your smile

i miss your laugh

i miss you

give the boys my best

i love you {all}

- indie xx

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