1.8 - song

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Michael was up all night, trying to finish the song he planned on showing Indie when he went home in a few couple weeks. He only wanted indie to hear the song first- since it secretly was for her.

He had so much he wanted to do for Indie, since she still wasnt talking to michael, but no lyrics were going threw his head. Michael threw the note book down, throwing his head in his hands in frustration.

"Michael whats wrong?" Calum said in his sleepy state, rubbing his eyes and walking over to michael who was sitting in the back room of the bus.

"Im trying to write this song, but i just cant seem to figure it out" MIchael confessed wiping his eyes to wipe away the tears that were trying to escape his green orbs.

"Hey man, dont get yourslef all worked up over this. Let me look and see if i can help any, yeah?" Calum ashured his best friend, walking closer over to where he sat before sitting down on the "L" shaped couch that was pushed against the wall of the tour bus. ((GUS BUS))

Calum scanned over the sheet that held many lyrics, tear stains, wrinkles, and emotion reading each line carefully. Michael thought that Calum thought the song was bad by his facial expression, but Calum was just shocked.

Shocked at how amazing the song was.

"Michael- this is great! Fantastic even!" Calum threw his hands in the air smiling with those crinkles under his eyes at Michael who looked at him like he was stupid.

"Are you sure? I wasn't sure about it being that good-"

"Nonsense! Just get Luke to sing this first part instead of the second verse then bam!" Calum said taking the pencil that Michael had beside him changing the few things needed and smiled at his best friends masterpiece.

"Do you think she'll like it?" Michael asked looking down at the sheet of paper that was now placed in his hands, wanting the song to be perfection.

"This song will probably make me cry, man. I'm sure Ind-she'll love it, even if your not singing a lot in it." Calum said rubbing his face with his large hands before standing up to pop his back.

Calum smiled down at his friend before Michael spoke to end the silence throughout the bus.

"How did you know it was for her?"

"Mike, we all know you like her." Calum said with a grin on his face before yawning.

"I don't just like her Calum..... I'm pretty sure I'm in love with her."

"So those Taylor rumors aren't sure then? Because I really ship you and indie- omg Mindie if your ship name." Calum quickly spoke, like how he normally did when he was tired.

"Calum just come lay down with me on the couch and cuddle" Michael said opening his arms with a lazy smile plastered on his face.

"Since indie isn't here I'll replace here."Calum latex down beside Michael as they hugged each other for warmth like they normally did whenever they cuddled.

Michael smacked Calum on the chest before the two best friends laughed together.

Their laugher dyed down before Michael spoke.

"Nobody can replace Indie, Calum"




:-) this is shit I'm sorry, my hands half asleep and it's 10:54 pm.

I got the black iPhone 6 😻!

And people actually read this holy haha, well carry on reading so :-)

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