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"Your name will be Sei."

The name derived from the word "refined" was carefully given to me by my parents as they wished me to become a "refined lady."

Like the effort they put into naming me, the effort to raise me up so I could live up to the meaning of my name was incredibly planned. Others would have fainted had they ever learned about it.

"Your parents must be so happy to have a daughter like you. Being so proficient in so many things, you are raised and destined to live a good life, aren't you?"

I couldn't count how often I had heard those types of sentences from my parents' guests in occasional conversations. Every time they gave me lip service and complimented me, I gave them a reserved smile in return as the answer to the following question. If only they knew more about my parent's plans for me, would their laughing expressions change? I guess I'll never know.

Right. I lived a "good" life. I was born and raised into a useful household with excellent finance. Who would ever be unhappy with it?

If anything, I was only unsatisfied with the invisible chains that my parents put on me.

To exchange for that "happy" life, I had to sacrifice any wants and curiosity feelings to make preparations for the future my parents envisioned. But besides that, I lived a pleasant experience and did not mind for it to continue. My parents have always treated me well, so even though I harbor regrets towards them every now and then, I had a feeling that they were doing it for my sake.

I believed in them and closed myself off from the world for the past twenty years, preparing for the future they envisioned me to live in.

I was sure that there was nothing that could affect my parent's thoroughly planned future for me.


"Where am I?"

A scenery that I have never seen appeared before me.

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