Comfort [Part 1]

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Keith watched as the team began talking and cuddling with one another. It was nothing new. They did this often. Being the defenders of the universe put a lot of pressure on them. Sometimes they would just vent to each other or seek comfort.

Shiro usually talked about his time in the Galra prison and his PTSD. Lance talked about his insecurities. Hunk and Pidge talked about there fears. What did Keith talk about? Well nothing.

As the team began to comfort Pidge as she discussed her fear of not finding her family, Lance turned to Keith. "Hey, you can go to bed if you want now Keith. We're just going to talk for a bit."

The red Paladin nodded trying to hide his hurt. Apparently it worked, or Lance just wasn't paying attention as Keith stood up walking out of the room.

Keith hated their 'comfort' times. He was glad that they were happy to share with each other, but he just never got invited. Every time they pushed him away. Keith didn't know why. Maybe they thought he was to tough to be scared? To heartless to feel?

But that wasn't true at all. Keith had a lot of problems. Possibly more then Lance and Shiro. Well, with the way things were going now. Yes, most definitely more. But it was ok. Keith didn't need to vent. He could survive on his own. Thats why he cried himself to sleep some nights wasn't it?

Sometimes, even Allura and Coran would join there 'comfort times'. Talk about there problems. But still Keith was ushered to the side. And all Keith wanted was to be accepted by them. To not be alone. But according to Lance he was the loner. Sure he likes time to himself, but he didn't always want to be alone. He wanted to be able to talk to his teammates. To help them and they could help him. But he couldn't just ask for that, right? He had to deserve it. Which apparently he didn't.

Walking into his room, Keith sat down on his bed bring his knees up to his chest and wrapping his arms around his legs. His chin rested on top as silent tears ran down his face. He could only imagine the others all cuddling a crying Pidge and he longed for that comfort too.

Eventually Keith fell asleep dry tear stains on his face. The other Paladin had gone to sleep comforted and confident. While Keith had to fall asleep lonely and scared.


The next morning, the Paladins landed on a planet they had recently freed from Zarkons rein. The inhabitants had the body shape of human except slightly skinner. They had pale green skin and large grey eyes as well as strange antenna things on top of their heads.

As the Paladins walked up to their leader she nodded to them. "Thank you, Paladins of Voltron for saving us from the vile Galra."

Keith flinched. He was half Galra. Though he wasn't vile right? One of his fears began to occupy his brain. He snapped out of it though when the leader spoke again. "I am Mara, leader of the Anati people." As she spoke the top of her antennas glowed. "We have the power to help see others emotions. As Paladins you must go through a lot."

Shiro was the first to speak, clearing his throat. "U-umm yes. But don't worry. We will still fight against the Galra."

Mara smiled. "Do not worry Black Paladin. I am not judging you. I merely want to help." She told them. She looked over the Paladins. "You all have fears and worries." Her eyes stopped on Keith. "Especially you."

Keith went wide eyed. "What? No! I don't know what your talking about."

"Yeah!" Lance cut in. "I think your antenna things a bit broken lady. Keith's fine." He folded his arms. Keith looked over at Lance hurt. Did he really see nothing wrong with Keith. Not even when he would walk into breakfast with bags under his eyes. Being kept up from in insomnia. To his disappointment the other Paladins nodded in agreement.

"No." Mara corrected in a calm voice. She walked slightly closer to Keith her antennas glowing. "You feel depressed and scared. Mostly alone and rejected," she told him.

Keith narrowed his eyes. Anger filled him to hide the fear and sadness. "This is stupid!" He yelled. "I didn't come here to get non-existent feelings told to me." Quickly he turned storming off back to the castle.

The other Paladins watched surprised and only Hunk who was at the back managed to spot the tears escaping down Keith's face as he left.

"Troubled. Your red Paladins seeks your comfort yet you do not give it to him." Mara told them.

"We have times when we all comfort each other." Shiro stepped forward in defence, though his voice was still calm.

"Yeah. If Keith wanted comfort he would have joined us." Lance spoke and Pidge nodded in agreement.

"But have you ever personally invited him? Maybe he feels he is not welcome." The leader spoke turning back to the other Anati's in the room. "Begin preparing dinner." She spoke, then turned back to the Paladins.

"I don't think we've been that accepting." Hunk spoke quietly fiddling with his hands.

"Voice your thoughts young Paladin. We will not judge." Mara said softly.

"Yeah, of course we won't buddy." Lance smiled at him.

"Well, umm emotions lady is right. Sorry I-I for got your name." He looked up at Mara who gave him a smiled and nodded, forgiving him. "We never have invited him. In fact, sometimes we push him away telling him he doesn't  have to stay. I think that sometimes he does want to and just doesn't know how to say it and thinks we don't want him there."

Shiro looked down ashamed. "I should have realised this. As leader I'm meant to look after everyone. But I couldn't even see Keith was struggling."

Pidge put a hand in his shoulder. "We all should have seen it Shiro. We're a family. We're meant to help each other and not leave anyone out."

Mara smiled. "I am glad you can now see the troubles the red Paladin faces. I hope that you are able to help him."

Shiro nodded. "We will. And we'll be back here for dinner."

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