Chocolate Milk

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Faaron was sitting on the couch watching Coraline for the 420th time.
"Holy fuck I wish Wyborn could fuck me into a bed and fuck me until I can't walk for a week, UGHHH"
Faaron said out loud, Ethan was in the kitchen and heard everything Faaron said. Ethan thought as a joke he would a make a key like the one in Coraline. So Ethan went downstairs to find a button from Lizzy's sewing kit. And After 1 hour Ethan made a key exactly like the one in the movie. Ethan walked upstairs and saw Faaron still watching Coraline.
"Hey Adopted- I mean, Faaron!"
"Whuuut?" Faaron said pausing the movie and turning around siping on chocolate milk.
"I was in the kitchen and I found a key like the one in Caroline"
"It's Coraline! and what? wear? we just moved in today-" Faaron said with a confused look on her face.
"Just here look!" Ethan threw the key at Faaron.
Ethan laughed and rolled his eyes.
"Yeah Yeah have fun Im going upstairs to start unpacking you should to" Ethan walked to the stairs
"But- But- But-" Faaron said point at the tv
"Faaron unpack then watch the movie!" Ethan walk into his room
Faaron mumbled something as she walk to her room.
When Faaron got into her room she looked at Rosie.
"Hey Wuss Puss" Faaron dropped down to open a box.
Rosie looked up, meowed.
After 30 minutes of unpacking Faaron ran downstairs to watch the movie.
"WAIT ADOPTED- fuck I MEAN FAARON!" Ethan yelled from his room.
"WHAT YOU BITCH!" Faaron yelled back
Faaron groan, and put her rain boots on, Faaron went out into the car grab the last two boxes, and her chocolate milk. She put the boxes on the deck to shut the car door, once she got to the door she looked in it and saw a doll of herself.
"What the actual fuck-" Faaron said grabbing the doll and looking at it.
"This is just a random apartment it's not the pink palace." Faaron walk over and to the deck and brought the boxes inside.
"This is very weird but awesome at the same time!" Faaron ran into her room and put the doll on her bed.
"Hey Ethan when you went to the store did you get a creepy ass doll of me?" Faaron walk to Ethan's room.
"Uh no why?" Ethan said putting his phone down.
"Oh well there's a doll of me in the car i brought to my room, come look" Faaron walk to her room. Ethan followed behind her.
"What? Where's the doll?" Faaron looked everywhere. Ethan laughed.
"Jesus, Faaron the movie is starting to effect you more then I think-" Ethan walked to the Door.
"Im going to go say 'hi' to our neighbors" Ethan threw the extra key at Faaron
"Have fun looking for the doll"
Faaron rolled her eyes. Faaron look everywhere for the doll.
Rosie jump from under the bed and meowed.
"AH! you scared me half to death you mangy thing!" Faaron looked at Rosie.
Rosie threw up on Faaron's bed.
"BRUH WHAT THE ACTUAL FU- IS THAT THE KEY?-" Faaron looked over to the corner. "You got to the be fucking kidding me- is that the doll, ugh hey little me." Faaron picked up the doll.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2020 ⏰

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