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The two definitions of real, as stated by my mobile dictionary app.

"adj: being or occuring in fact or actuality; having verified existence; not illusory..."

     These definitions are more if not extremely succinct for an age-old concept is such as "real". Compared to the definitions of far less distorted and updated prepositional words or the classic example of some student looking up the definition of a word as simple as "the"

     Before I get hopelessly semantic I think these definitions have become horribly blurred as our perception of basic survival needs have been altered to meet future "needs" These definitions are refined and approved, but my contribution to the definition; if I had the credible authority, would be that we can only use what meaning we are given because it takes a verbose amount of information combined with imaginative defiance to meaning itself to come up with a lasting definition. So this definition of real should be considered contradictory because to have a part of the definition be actuality or fact can easily reinforce the assumption that this word could just mean what an entire civilization has colloquially pondered for generations. Whereas when we speak of real we mean honesty or truth. Nowhere does the definition of real have the word or a synonym of truth in it. What the word real does and how it is defined are contradictory definitions we subconsciously accept into every facet of our being. To be contradictory is to be real

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