Chapter Three

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(Opal's POV)
What is happening? One day, I am being brutally beaten by my merciless master and the next I am fully healed by the very infant that caused my enslavement; but this is not the tiny infant crying for attention on that fateful day. This is a man, no, a god who is not helpless in any sense of the word. The god before me commands attention and respect from everyone and everything he comes into contact with. His dark hair falls around his shoulders and his bright green eyes were full of mischief, but now they are full of something else. Dare I hope that someone could actually care for me?
"Opal, may I ask you a personal question?"
"Anything you wish, ma-...Loki"
He simply smiled at my near slip before asking,
"Why is it that I can see parts of your life, but not all of it?"
I feel the pain rush back and I draw into myself as his question dwells in my mind.
"My master wished for me to shield certain memories, so that if I should happen upon someone, they would not know all of what happens here."
"Could you unshield them?"
"Yes, I could, but I don't think anyone would like to see what has happened during the last thousand years..."
I could see him debate it in his mind. I don't blame him, what I have gone through here would drive any normal person insane, but not me. I am life, I am death, I am power, and I am eternal...
"I would like you to ignore all of the orders given to you by Odin, including shielding your memories from others."
"Are you sure? All of them?"
At Loki's nod, I unshielded all of my memories, leaving my soul completely open to him.
(Loki's POV)
I was completely unprepared for the onslaught of pain that was released with her memories. I could see every lash, every slap, every kick... it was maddening! But that was not the worst memory I uncovered. I was brought back to that day in Jotunhiem, the day Odin captured her, and I could not accept what I saw.
It was ME. I was the reason for all of her pain, all of her suffering! If she had left me there, she would've lived the last thousand years as a free woman, but thanks to me... She lived it in hell.
"How can you stand to look at me? To be around me, knowing that I am the reason for your pain? Why didn't you kill me when you first saw me?"
Opal's eyes softened before she spoke,
"I do not blame you for what happened to me. It was my fault, my decision, and I will live with it. How could I blame you for my pain if you didn't even know I existed until today? You are not to blame, Loki, I am."
He looked at me for a long time before he got up and started walking towards the door to my room.
"Opal, Would you come here please?"
I get up from the bed and hesitantly follow him into my room.
"I feel that redecorating is in order. Would you please do the honors?"
I was so shocked by his statement that I stood there with a dumb look on my face for over a minute before he turned to me.
"Wh-what kind of redecorating, Loki?"
"Anything that you'd like."
I still hesitate until he gives me a reassuring nod. With a flick of my wrist, the room transforms into normal-midgardian bedroom with a few simple chairs and a table to sit at. The theme of the room is a pale green, but the bed is covered in deep forest green comforter.
"Is this all you require?"
"Yes, Loki, thank you for your generosity."
Loki gave me a simple nod before turning back towards his room and the gasp he made was audible from across the room.
(Loki's POV)
Holy gods.
The chamber that I walked into earlier is gone and was replaced with a lavish bedroom with a gold and green theme. The floors were covered with a dark green marble, which contrasted beautifully with the gold furniture and drapes. The bed was huge; it had a deep green, silk comforter and the gold canopy reflecting off the lights created a light shimmer in the room. Everything was perfect, but how did it...?
"I'm sorry, Would you like me to change it back?"
I turn to face Opal and became even more tongue-tied. Her small halter and shorts were gone and were replaced with a long, green dress that fit her like a glove. The dress had a gold belt tied around it to accentuate her smaller waist and the same kind of gold material braided through her long hair.
"No. I don't want you to change it back."
"As you wish."
I heard her response, but I was more focused on how her delicate lips moved as she spoke. Stop it! Nothing good can come from lusting for a woman who you cannot be with. Besides, even if she could, she would never chose a castaway like me...
"I wish to go for a walk."
She looked up, said, "ok," and turned towards her room. Just as she reached the doorway, I asked,
"Would you like to join me?"

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