Chapter 7

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"Ha ha ha. ha. really?" He chuckled at my nervousness. I mean, a beautiful guy like this is asking for your number, and this is rare for me.

"Well yeah" he chuckled. but i didn't realise the paper placed on the table. "I have to go but very nice to meet you and thanks"

"No worries, stay safe!" He laughed and left. I picked up the paper and read it.


I just met you

And this is crazy

But here's my number

So call me maybe'

I burst out laughing as I read that he quoted call me maybe. I grabbed my phone, saving his number.


"Why are you always happy?"

"Why not?" I smiled genuinely at Jay. her irritated expression still plastered on her face.

I mean, why not be happy? Is it such a crime to be happy? I mean, we choose to be happy, sad, angry. but sometimes, it comes unexpectedly. but I choose to be happy. its not a mask to hide who I really am, but an emotion I choose to feel, choose to place on my face, for everyone to see that even if one small thing bad that happens in your day, you can still smile because you choose to not put you down.

"But why?"

"Because I choose to be happy, why would you want to choose to be angry, or sad? But then again, your emotion is what makes your day, along with the people you're around"

"But, doesn't something bad happen to you? I mean it's needed" I shook my head disagreeing.

"No, it's not. You choose to believe that, you choose to believe that something bad is needed in order to balance life. Things just happen unexpectedly. But that's okay to believe that, because at the end of the day, no one can tell you other wise."

"I never saw it that way"

"Not everyone's mind works the same Jayden"


A couple hours later, I went home. I laid down in the sofa, picking a channel to watch, that's until my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I said cheerfully.

"Briar" I smiled like an idiot as I realised it was Andrew, the boy I helped the other day. "I-I need your help" my smile immediately faltered as he asked for help.

"Where are you?" I slung a jacket on and raced to the door.

"Outside your apartment" I hung up the phone, racing down the stairs and pushing the doors open. the cold, night air nipped at my skin as I frantically searched for him.

"Andrew" I spotted him leaning against the wall, shivering. I shrugged my jacket off me and placed it on him.

I helped him back into my apartment, lying him on the couch, placing a warm blanket over him. "thanks"

"What happened?" I grabbed some disinfectant and cleaned his hand, then wrapping it in a bandage.

"Was in another fight"


I let him sleep over as it was too late and dark to go anywhere.

"Hey Briar?"


"Will you go on a date with me?"

Accidentally best friendsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن