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Guys. I really regret staying up late. Being the weird human being that I am, I love to talk to myself at night.  Tonight, while playing a game when I was supposed to be sleeping, I started explaining to myself the Wattpad stuff I'm doing currently. It eventually somehow led me to talking to absolutely no one about my life story. About my friendships from the 1st grade to being bullied to the damn COVID-19. I found myself retelling all the best and worst memories I had. I said what I remembered about unforgettable, good or bad, moments. This led me to talking about how coronavirus led to the worst end of year and the worst beginning year of middle school. I was actually sobbing through the whole thing. My mouth hurts from frowning, my glasses smudged from my hands, my cheeks stained with tears. The truth of life hit me like a brick wall, and here is some information that I'd like to share with you. And yes, Im surprised I actually said these words, because I did NOT copy someone else's quote:

You need to grasp on to every moment you have and cherish it, because life could unexpectedly throw it away. You may not want to ever relive a moment in life, but you'll always value it.

Guys, you have no clue how much I cried. My life has been pretty tough, and retelling all the memories and tough times was hard. I'm sorry for interrupting the trolls stuff, but you should know this. I pray you're all staying safe.

Be safe. ~Rain

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