😭 You Can't be Serious... 😭

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Ignore the title for this A/N. I am serious. You're gonna want some Kleenex, ice cream, and a blanket.

I... I can't believe it! I've been crying in my pod for the past few minutes. I just got heart shattering news. This can't be real. No, I'm in a dream. That's gotta be it.

Argh, what's the point?! I know it's not a dream, this is real, and now I gotta break Branch's heart right after my dad broke mine.

But I can't now... I can't even bear to see him right now... Why?! I love him so much... No. I have to find him. The sooner the better. I get it over with..

I take a deep breath and wipe my tears. I know I'll start crying again, but it's good for now. I walk outside and towards his bunker.

I see him outside the door, about to go in. He spots me, and leans in for a small kiss and a hug. I step away, confusing him.

"Poppy? What's wrong? You always want a kiss," he says to me. The truth is, I really do! I feel the tears coming when he speaks. I can't hold them back.

"Poppy?" Branch asks concerned. I try to explain before it gets too intense. "I- I don't know h- how to say this, b-but my dad..." I pause to catch my breath. I just can't.

I calm down a bit and continue. "My dad just talked to me.. and be doesn't think we can be together... Branch he's- he's making us break up!"

I can't hold it. Branch is the love of my life, and my dad's trying to take it away from me.

Branch looked like a mix of mad and very disheartened. "What?!" He says. "You can't  be serious! He can't do that! I- I love you!"

It's too unreal. I say, "I really love you too, Branch, but he is technically still king..." We try to calm down as best we could, but it was too difficult. We had this connection no one can even try to explain, and breaking up is literally our worst nightmare, besides us getting hurt, of course, and we both knew it.

I can tell he could sense my pain. He knows me to the point where he could read me like a book. His face suddenly made a different expression.

"And we just-" I nodded my head and whispered, "I know.." We only started dating a few months ago. Yet we loved each other from the bottom of our hearts.

I decided to wrap it up before I get in trouble. "I wanna go before he yells at me.. and- and we can't see each other again..." I said with my voice cracking. I walked off before anything else could happen.


It's been maybe less than a week, and Branch and I have been ignoring each other. It's for the best. My dad is technically still king, but he really isn't unless it's something like an emergency. He still is my dad though...

Telling Barb was probably the worst. I appreciated her concern, but I knew she couldn't fix it.

Telling my other friends was a pain too. They all agreed that we loved each other and should stay together, protesting. Nothing could change anyone's mind anymore.

I think Branch told D too. They're really good friends.

Y'know, as few more days went by, I was getting used to not having Branch around. I might live.


A few more days later, I was in my pod. I accidentally dropped a scrapbook, causing it to open to a page. I glanced at the page and looked away, then my brain realized what it was.

It was me and Branch holding hands... made the day he confessed to me... I suddenly didn't feel well. I.. I missed him. He was my only love...

I sigh. Well, there's really nothing I can do. I skip across the room, calm but not forgetting my feelings.

Then my friends come rushing in. "Poppy!" Legsly exclaims out of breath. "What is it?" I respond.

That's when I notice they have some tears in their eyes. Still, I didn't say anything.

All my friends crying, it took a second for them to respond. Then Guy took a few deep breaths and said, "It's your dad... He's.. he's gone..."

Wait, gone? Like... gone gone?! "No..." I said in a choked whisper. They all sadly nodded. "While he was napping..."

I suddenly rushed out of my pod and too my dad's, my friends following. I saw him lying on his bed, lifeless.

I started crying. "Why now...?" I said to myself. "Why him...?"


A few days later, after, um, a thing I'd rather not bring up, we were all just gathered around, but somewhat spread out. I was talking to Queen Essence.

"We've all been there at one point, Poppy," she was saying. "We all feel bad, especially all of Pop Village." I simply looked down.

Then I asked, "How was it for you?" She looked a bit sad, but tried to stay happy. "It was difficult, but I still had to move on. Though he'll never leave your heart."

I slightly smiled. I said, "I'm still a bit upset that he made Branch and I break up..." Then Essence looked a bit happier.

She said, "Well, y'know, he, um, isn't here, so he doesn't have much control over your life now...."

Was she suggesting something? The I looked up, catching on. "Wait.. you mean...?" She gestured to the other side of the field, where I saw Branch talking to D. He must've been saying the same thing, because he was looking straight at me at the same moment.

I looked back at Essence one more time, and she nodded. I glanced at Branch again before running right into his arms, hugging him like I'd never let go.

He did the same, and we were back together, unspoken. I whispered, "Oh my gosh, I love you so much, Branch." He hugged my as tight as possible without suffocating me and said, "I love you too, Poppy."

We then noticed that a lot of the village was looking at us, smiling. They lightly clapped. I knew they all thought we were the perfect pair.

We shared a small kiss, holding each other's hands. We'd never part again.


I hope you cried :) 💙

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