PART I: What Is It Already?!

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2312 CHAPTER 020

Humans only live for approximately 80 years. Some dies younger, while others exceed that age and even reached the age 100. Life is so short, it can come and go like a feather in the wind.

On the other hand, time is so long and vast, unlike life which is just a brief part of it. And sadly, the older you get, the more you can feel it. Over the years, people lose their capacity to walk, run, talk, travel, think and experience life. In this short period of time that we get to live, what have we accomplished? What have we done to leave our mark in this wide world?

Many people really waste days, months and years doing nothing productive, memorable, or at least something that will make each day to count. This only raises one question; Are we really living? Just do not forget one thing; It doesn't matter how long we live, but what we have achieved. Then, someone can safely presume that they are indeed living.

Win only realized that too late, when he knew his ending was now coming. The boy didn't give up. He became aware of the fact that life isn't just about daily routines, it's indeed something more than that.

When Win does the things he likes, when he opens himself to others, or when he communicates with his close friends, or just appreciate the Mother Nature's beauty. How captivating the thunderstorm is, or how fresh the green grass' fragance is after a rainstorm, or even how beautiful the night sky looks, away from the city lights, away from hustle, and bustle, in solitude.

People's smile and laugh, they're also crying and sobbing, feelings in general that indicate that a person is alive. Truthfully, such feelings the young boy has never felt until his cancer diagnosis. Win isn't scared of death anymore. He is scared that his family and friends will just forget about him, that there will be a time that he won't see them all ever again and thinking about that, he really does miss them already. And what wouldn't he give or sacrifice just to live for another year, a day or even a second with his loved ones, with Bright.


14th, September

It's dinner time already. Within a few minutes, everyone will be gathered to Win's and Bright's cozy apartment. The brunet really looked forward to this day since God knows when, he wanted to reveal everything he was hiding during all these times, say and reveal the truth so that he would no longer feel burdened. Actually he was very anxious about the others' reaction once they finally find out the truth. What will their response be? What will they say? Is it negative? Positive? Will they pity the young boy or get angry at him for not telling the truth?

He didn't want to be pitied. His illness wasn't something to be pity of. He just wanted their support, so that he would no longer feel lonely.

Weeraya had already arrived since a long time ago. She was helping Bright with the cooking since she's an HRM student, while Win was the in charge of the table decor as he was also arranging the dishes. Both Bright and Weeraya didn't want the brunet to do the 'heavy' jobs, so they insisted on having the boy to do the ornamentation despite the latter's protests. Win at first grunted, but later on, he just found his task was rather amusing.

He paved the silk, white tablecloth across the table and then folded the napkins in a proffesional like way, placing the silverwares inside. Bright wondered why the boy was into so much detail, but he thought maybe Win just wanted to do something nice for his friends. He had no idea.

Suddenly the doorbell ringed and Win immediately rushed to the door to open it. It was his first guest, Love. The brunet smiled and briefly hugged the other as he welcomed the young woman to his home.

"Lovelove! You are finally here! Please, come in and feel at home."

"Hey, guys... And wow Winwin, you actually contacted me once in all those weeks. I've been waiting for so long!"

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