Where are you?

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Sanji slumped back into a the kitchen wall. Screaming could be heard outside the door. 'Damn...' He thought, his head in his hands. 'Where's Luffy...'
Zoro slammed the door open, "Curlly brow?!"
"Y-yeah?" Sanji answered weakly from the floor.
"G-get.. up." Zoro started out strong but his voice softened as soon as he saw the mess on the floor.
Sanji looked up at Zoro, tears falling from his eyes uncontrollably, "I c-can't." The blonde's body shook.
Zoro moved over to him slowly, "Sanji..." He sat next to the blonde. "Shhhh..." He hugged the sobbing man.
Sanji clung to the swordsman. "I-I am.. Sorry..."
"Shhhhh..." The green haired man hugged Sanji tightly, "Don't be sorry. It's not your fault."
"I was the one..." Sanji started.
"No, it was my job too." Zoro interrupted him.
"But I was watching him..." Sanji fought back tears.
"And so was I!" Zoro stated his opinion loudly. "Now get your shit together, cook."
Sanji nodded, wiping away his tears on his rolled up sleeves.
Zoro stood, offering a hand to Sanji. "Here."
Sanji took his hand and stood shakily. "T-thanks."
"Sure thing." Zoro replied with a small smile.
Sanji pulled out a cigaret and tried to light it. His hands shook to much to get a proper position to light the damn thing.
Zoro sighed softly and placed his hands on Sanji's steading them. Sanji looked at Zoro and smiled, lighting his cigaret finally.
After he took a breath out full of smoke Sanji spoke again, "We have to contact that place."
"There was no number on the card." Zoro grumbled annoyed. "Why'd we let that fucker go??"
Sanji sighed, "He distracted us. I thought we had information... But we didn't. It's my fault..." The blonde seemed to slip into depression once again.
"Oh will you cut that shit out, Sanji!"
'He... He used my name...' The cook blushed as he realized the green haired man seemed to be softer on him tonight. "I am sorry. Let's just figure out how to get our Captain back."
"That's what I came in here for... I don't wanna tell the others about the card." Zoro pulled it out of his pocket to stare at it. The moaning figure burning his eyes. "I don't want..."
"Them to think about Luffy like that." Sanji finished.
"Yeah." Zoro agreed as the two moved out of the kitchen and off to town yet again.

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