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HISTORY JUST HAPPENED TO FALL IN JONAH SWAN'S LAST PERIOD OF THE DAY. He was already utterly over Forks High and its obsession with him and his sister. If someone wasn't badgering him to be their friend, they were asking him about his sexuality or if his sister was single. Thank god that the day was nearly over as he feared he might just hit the next person that spoke to him. Not that Jonah would hit someone without crying about it for the next ten minutes. Soft was the word his mother used to describe him. Despite standing at six foot and two inches, Jonah wasn't as capable both mentally and physically to be intimidating despite his stature lending to it.

During his lunch break, Jonah had caught up with Mike, explaining to Bella how they knew each other before departing to the gymnasium where Mike introduced Jonah to the schools Football coach and scored him a spot on the team. Jonah enjoyed playing football, well, he enjoyed the look on his fathers face when he scored quarterback on the rez team.

Mike ushered Jonah into the crowded room, the former sighing in disgust as  they joined the class. Mike didn't like history.

"You're both late." The teacher spoke, not sparing the two boys a glance.

"Sorry Mr Keizer, I was getting Jonah on the team, we need his rez skills if we're gonna win this season.

"I'm Jonah Swan." Jonah shyly introduced himself, pulling the pink slip from his breast pocket. Mr Keizer quirked an eyebrow at Jonah's fashion choice, their sweater vests almost matching.

"Matching with your history teacher probably isn't the best choice for your first day." Mr Keizer laughed, prompting the rest of the class to join in.

Jonah's face flushed as he looked down and rushed to take the only empty seat at the back of the class.
Mr Keizer began the class, drawing attention away from an embarrassed Jonah and started discussing the semester's project.

"I don't mind your clothes," A soft southern voice whispered gently beside him, "I think they're dandy."

Jonah looked up, his face still bright red with embarrassment. It was Apollo, well, Jasper Hale.

They caught eyes as both took in a sharp breath. Jonah failed to notice how Jasper's grip on the table turned his already alabaster skin a further white around the knuckles.

"Oh- uh- thanks." Jonah stuttered, gazing at the most beautiful man he'd ever seen. Jaspers is eyes pulled away from the boy as he focused on holding his breath. He mentally scolded himself for even speaking up, but feeling the boys pain and embarrassment he had to help the boy he was so desperately drawn towards.

By the time classed had finished the boys had yet to speak another word to eachother. Jonah didn't mind the silence though, he felt he could spend all day staring at the boy with the golden eyes that shifted ever so slightly black.

Jasper left the class in quite the hurry, manoeuvring around the many desks gracefully, leaving Jonah with a wide open mouth. Shutting and closing like a fish, shocked at the boys departure.
He decided to shake off the feeling that Jasper left in the bottom of his stomach and make his way to the office to hand in his pink slip.

Walking through the halls that were slowly emptying, he found himself regretting the choice of moving schools. The only good thing about Forks High so far was the god in his history class and the fact that he liked his sweater vest.

Stood by his sisters truck, Jonah watched as the aforementioned brunette stormed across the parking lot. There was fury in her doe eyes and fury in the way she swung open the drivers door, sliding herself into the car leaving Jonah stood with a scared expression on his face.

"Are you going to get in?" She quizzed. Jonah fumbled before joining his sister in the car.

"What's up Bells?" He asked cautiously. Bella gritted her teeth before replying.

"Edward Cullen is a little bitch."

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