02 : Goodbye

202 29 16

24 February, 2004

Hsu saw Wade with his new girlfriend on a café. But, they did not notice her.
Hsu kept stalking them. When, they started leaving, Hsu started following them. Wade and his girlfriend got inside the car. Hsu took a cab and started following them. Soon, they reached home. Hsu took the address to come here and take Shuhua.

25 February, 2004

Hsu came here in Wade's new house again and stalked if someone is here. She saw no one. Just, a little girl with Shuhua who looks like she is in Shuhua's age. Shuhua was on the couch with the doll, Hsu bought for her last year. And, the other little girl was watching Tv.

Hsu Pov

Yes, that's the time! I shall take my daughter with me while, no one is around except, a baby girl.

Hsu got inside the house and came to the drawing room. And patted Shuhua's head "Mommy is here, baby! Let's go home" Hsu said while sobbing.
Hsu hugged Shuhua. Wade's girlfriend came on the back and hit Hsu's head with vase. Hsu shouted and realised a bit and than, she put her hand on her head and saw blood. Than, she lied down on the floor. Shuhua started crying when she saw it. The daughter of Wade's girlfriend got terrified too and started crying too.
"Done, Wade" Hsu said while chuckling.
"No, Nancy don't cry! She is just crazy woman who deserved it.
"Mommy, you hurt mommy" Shuhua said while crying.
"Listen, you little psycho. She deserved it" Wade's girlfriend said.
"Natalie, don't tell me you killed Hsu!" Wade said.
"I don't know" Natalie replied while applying her lipstick.
"You don't know" Wade yelled.
"Yes, as if you care for her. Listen, Wade you were the one who told me that you want to keep this little crying bitch. So, i did it for you" Natalie said
"Natalie, she is just a little girl. We are not murderers" Wade said while sweating.
"Nancy is your daughter too. I killed that psycho for Nancy's future she could have did something to Nancy threat us" Natalie said.
"But-" Wade said.
"But, what? If we kicked her out she could have called the police it would have been a problem for us. Because, their is drugs in this house. Now, stop arguing with me and think for a place to hide her" Natalie said with anger.
"There will be fingerprints left" Wade replied.
"Take gloves you dummy, asshole" Natalie said!
"Where are we hiding her?" Wade asked.
"You son of a bitch, she is not dead! I heared that you are mother fucking Doctor than, do something" Natalie replied.
"You are kidding with me, right? You hit Hsu's head with a glass vase now, you are saying she is alive?" Wade asked.
"I did not hit her head with a glass vase!
I ain't no murderer, Wade!! Now, do something you idiot!!" Natalie replied.

25 February, 2004

"Wade, where is that psychotic bitch?" Natalie asked.
"Shut up, Natalie!! She is fine, i did what you told me to do! I've send her in asylum, told the doctor that she is a psycho!" Wade replied.
"Oh, Wade. You are the love of my life. I hope there is nomore psychotic bitch in this house anymore. Oh, dear. I'm going in shopping with Nancy. Give your psychotic daughter something when she wakes up" Natalie said.
"She is just a little girl, Natalie" Wade said.
"I don't care, she is nothing to me except a burden!" Natalie said while leaving.
"Shuhua, did you wake up?" Wade asked.
"Yes, dad!" Shuhua said.
"Great, come downstairs and have some breakfast, sweetie. Would you like to have some cereals?!" Wade asked.
"Mommy" Shuhua said while sighing.
"Where is she?" Shuhua asked.
"Oh, she is with Nancy at the supermarket. Don't worry she will comeback soon, here is your bowl, have some breakfast!" Wade replied while drinking coffee.
"My mommy, not Nancy's. Where is she?" Shuhua asked while sobbing.
"Natalie is your mother! Okay? Forget about Hsu!! She is dead, okay? Dead!!" Wade yelled.
"You are lying" Shuhua yelled.
"NO- I'M NOT" Wade yelled.
"Yes, you are" Shuhua yelled.
"You are not my daddy!" Shuhua deeply sighed.
"What?!" Wade asked curiously.
"I don't want to talk to you!" Shuhua said.
"Your mother is a bitch-" Wade whispered.
"Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up" Shuhua yelled and than, shouted.
"What the hell is going on here?" Natalie asked.
"Nothing!" Wade replied.
"Oh, really? I heared your daughter shouting" Natalie said.
"Where is my mommy?" Shuhua asked.
"You might be a 4 year old girl, but you are still that bitchy one!" Natalie said.
"Aunty, please tell me" Shuhua sobbed.
"Aunty? Never call me that! "Ma'am" call me "Ma'am" understood?" Natalie asked witha anger.
"Yes, Ma'am" Shuhua sobbed while going upstairs.

26 February, 2004

Hsu Pov

I felt like i am trapped inside a place where is nothing but, me, a bed and a nurse! When, i woke up my guess was right.
"Excuse me" I said.
"Yes, Ma'am" The Nurse replied.
"What am i doing here? Where am i? How did i came here? Who brought me here? Where is my daughter?" I asked while crying.
"Sweet lady, i'm just a nurse and you are asking me too much questions that i can't even answer, if you need anything else just call me with that bell beside you" The Nurse replied.
"What place is this?" I asked. The Nurse ran away.
"Pleeeeease, i just want my daughter back" I kept saying while crying.
After, 2 Hours a Doctor show up.
"Can you tell me what is this place?" I asked.
"This is Asylum" The Doctor replied.
"Asylum? What am i doing here? Look, i'm not mad! I'm sure my husband brought me here. Please let me go i just want my daughter!" I said.
"To bad, Mrs. Yeh! You cannot go in anywhere you will stay here forever" The Doctor said while leaving.
I throw the glass of water in front of me and started shouting.
The Doctor came back and called some Nurses.
While, i took the Key from a Nurse to run away.
"Take the key from her!" The Doctor said.
I started running as fast as i could. I ran and ran. Even, i came out of the asylum and went to Wade's. And- they weren't home they took Shuhua with them too.
"Excuse me" I asked.
"Yes" The Neighbor answered confiusingly while looking at me.
"No, i'm no psycho! I'm here looking for the person next to you!" I replied.
"Wade? Oh, he and Natalie left Taiwan" The Neighbor replied.
"Where are they?" I asked.
"South Korea, i guess" The Neighbor replied.
I sat down on the floor while, crying. Than, when i turned around i saw Cars coming from Asylum from far. I ran away from there. And came back to home. There is no one with me literally, no one everybody hates me! My Husband, My Mother and My Daughter will when she will get elder Wade will give her wrong informations about me.
Living is nothing to me right now! I kept a letter on the table and took a knife and cut my hand as hard as i could. Goodbye, Shuhua! I'm sorry i was
too coward to tolerate this. They took you from me. Goodbye.

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