Chapter 21

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~Not Edited~

We pulled out of hug when the Griever sounds began. We ran for hours upon hours being extremley careful of Grievers and looking for any spots to hide. We turned every corner with extreme caution not wanting to run into a Griever anytime soon. We about to round a corner before Newt stopped in his tracks and put an arm out to stop me two.

"What's wrong." I whispered to him, my body started to tremble with fear of what made Newt stop.

"I think I heard one around the corner." He popped his head around the corner and his eyes were wide as he faced me. I looked around the corner and sitting right in the middle of the corridor was a Griever. Chills ran up and down my spine and I started to shake even more. Newt grabbed hold of my shoulders to try and stop me from shaking but the shaking would not stop. 

Newt pulled on my arm for me to follow him and I was hot on his heels, determined to get as far away as possible from the Griever. We ran up and down corridors of the Maze before we got tired and took a break.

"How long do you think until the sun rises and the doors open up?" I took in very deep breaths, trying to get my breathing back to normal but it was no use. I was hungry, tired, scared and sweaty.

"I'd say about three hours until the sun rises and about four until the doors open. You know, I honestly didn't think we'd be able to stay alive this long in here. I thought we would've been dead long before now." I looked up from my spot on the ground to see he had a small smirk on his face.

"Well I have absolute faith that we can make it out of here alive. We might come out battered and bruised but I think me can stay alive until the doors open." I moved over right next to him so that there was no space between us. Our sweaty bodies collided and he drapped his arm over my shoulder. 

"If you have faith then so do I." He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead and I proceded to place my head on his shoulders. I let out a small yawn signaling that I was tired. "Get some sleep Y/N. I'll keep watch. If anything happens I'll wake you up as soon as it happens." So I did. As much as I felt bad for having him on watch I still fell asleep in a matter of minutes.

I had only been asleep for about an hour before Newt was shaking me and whispering my name.

"Y/N, wake up we gotta go, right now." I opened my eyes and heard the sounds that i dreaded to hear.

Whirr. Click click. Whirrrrrrrrrr. Click click.

I got up in flash, any signs of being tired to dissapeared as I had a sudden energy boost. Newt was already tugging on my arm and I was following right behind him. We ran around corridors at lightning fast pace. There were a couple of times where I nearly slipped but I was able to regain my balance and continue running. Unfortunatly though the sounds of the Griever weren't leaving the air. If any thing, the progressivly got closer and closer. I hear a sudden gasp from Newt and next thing I know is he's down on the ground clutching at his ankle. 

"Oh my god, Newt what's wrong?" I got down on my knees beside him trying to figure out what to do.

"I think I sprained my ankle." I went to have a look at his ankle but he winced in pain. The Griever sounds were getting closer and closer with every second and I did the only thing I could think of at the time. I pulled him up of the ground and placed one of his arms around my shoulders.

"Put all your weight on me and try to walk as fast as you can." And he did just that. We spent the next ten minutes wondering around the maze at a slow pace. There were now rays od sun filling the corridors of the maze and Griever sounds were now where to be heard. We started making our way to one of the entrances so we could be there as soon as the doors opened. After about an hour of weird conversations and talk about how on earth we actaully managed to survive the night we made it to one of the four doors. We waited there for a few minutes and the doors came to life and started to open up.

On the other side the Gladers stood, starring at us in shock that we actaully managed to make it back. Two people, who I am assuming where the med-jacks, came and took Newt from me and rushed off fix him up. I scanned the faces of the Gladers and saw that Alby, Gally, Minho and Chuck were standing at the very front and the rest of thr Gladers were behind them. No one said a word. It was complete silence between on the Gladers. I was Alby to make the first noise out of all of them, telling them all to get to work for the day. He motioned for me to follow him and I did so, knowing that I was in for a good yelling at.

We entered the Homestead and went into one of the rooms and shut the door behind us. What happened next sent me into disbelief.

"Y/N, you're a runner now."


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter because I loved writing it! I have figured out how I'm going to end the story and I really hope you guys will love the ending but don't worry, the ending is still far away. 

Please don't hate me for doing this but would you guys mind checking my account on Instagram out if you're not one of my lovely followers from Instagram. My account is @newtmas.bae and I am indeed a TMR fan account! But it's totally fine if you don't want to.

Well I shall see you all in the next update!

Chloe xx

Bound Love // A Newt (TMR) Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now