Meeting the detective prince

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Scarlet: Oh Ms.Rina, here is my test. I'm sorry for didn't do it before.

Ms.Rina: Oh that's alright. * Looks at the test*

Ms.Rina: Perfect score as always Yuki-chan. You're amazing.

Scarlet: Thank you for your kind words.

Scarlet: ( Why am I acting like I care?)

???: Excuse me miss? The project that you gave me is going to have wait for another day.

Ms.Rina: Oh Akechi? Why that's perfectly  fine.

Akechi: Thank you. * Smiles*

Goro Akechi. He's in my class but he barely shows up so he might as well not be in my class at all. The detective prince as they would call him. But other than rumors all around the school the chances of you meeting him are rare.

Ms.Rina: Oh if your case has ended you should join Yuki in a group project, you two are very smart after all.

Scarlet: No than-

Akechi: The case might take a while but when it ends I'll consider it.

Ms.Rina: Thank you. The bell is about to ring, you two should get to lunch.
                * At lunch*

Other than crazy girl fans who are trying to get in his pants, Akechi always sits alone. Well I guess I'm no different but unlike him nobody ever notices me so its not like I'm making a fool of myself. Nobody even knows that I exist.

???: Hey?

I was wrong.

???: Sorry I'm new, do you mind if I sit next to you?

Scarlet: Yes.

???:....Yes you mind or yes I can sit next to you.

Scarlet: Take a guess.


Scarlet: Let me spell it out for you. L.E.A.V.E.

???: Fine. I was asking to nice because you sat here alone anyway!!
                * After school*

Scarlet: (....Why does it always rain when I don't have an umbrella.)

Akechi: Oh hello. Yuki-san right?

Scarlet: Yes?

I guess that makes sense, he hasn't been here enough to realize that every one hates me....

Scarlet: Talking to me might ruin your reputation.

Akechi: I know.

Scarlet: (....What?)

Akechi: Even though you're very smart not alot of people like you and after that performance with the new girl I can see why. Oh I'm not judging you or anything.

Scarlet:....I see.

Akechi: Oh, do you not have an umbrella?

Scarlet: No.

Akechi: Here, use mine. I'm going to stay after school anyways.

Scarlet: Okay?

Akechi: Well I didn't want to make you late. See you tomorrow.


Akechi: * Leaves*

He's too nice, I don't trust it. I'm sure there are plenty of nice people in the world but when you're a detective and constantly seeing dead bodies, you must have some type of adrenaline rush or something! You should always be on your guard. Being happy and upbeat doesn't really work....

Scarlet: ( .....But what do I know?)

I opened the umbrella and started to go home.

To be continued........

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2020 ⏰

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