The Kickback

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I had to temporarily block Ron for the night, he was blowing my phone up as I got dressed. Aaleeyah let me know she was on her way so I was in the kitchen snacking on random things I could find while Crystal was laid up with her dude watching "The Note Book". My parents went out on a date for the night so I had to settle for a turkey sandwich for dinner. My phone started vibrating.

Aaleeyah: I'm outside.

I grabbed my purse and sprayed my myself with Victoria's Secret "Coconut Passion" which was my signature perfume, a vanilla scent. I blew a kiss at Crystal as I left out heading to Aaleeyah's 2013 black Audi. I got in and hugged her as we pulled off.

"So what made you change your mind?" She asked.

"Girl I'm just tired of dodging invites because of Ron, I show too much respect for a nigga that clearly has no respect for me" I said.

"Yea I feel you, dudes be taking good girls for granted nowadays, that shit crazy." She said.

We were bumping "Pretty Mothafucka" by Lil Debbie and rapping along . We were finally in front of Justin's house after driving up a long ass hill. I texted him letting him know we were outside and he greeted us at the door.

~~~Justin POV~~~

Damn. India looked sooooo bad. Her friend was a sight to see too but not as bad as India. I greeted them with a smile, hugging them both.

"Wassup y'all? C'mon in." I said.

I showed them to the living room where everybody else was, people were hitting the hookah, drinking , and playing dominoes. The background music was "Don't Call me" by Dom Kennedy. I signaled Shaq  and Trey calling them over.

"Shaq and Trey, this is India and Aaleeyah." I said introducing them.

"Yea I'm Shaq but you can call me daddy." Shaq said while rubbing his eyebrows.

I gave him a look of death.

"Now nigga you know damn well ain't nobody finna call you "daddy", you might get an "uncle", ladies don't mind him he's a little slow." I said

The girls started laughing as we roasted each other. Man I swear India has the best smile I have ever seen. It made her 10x more beautiful then what she already was.

~~~India's POV~~~

We were all laughing at Justin and Shaq dancing to old jerking music, I swear I haven't laughed so much I needed this. Aaleeyah was all hugged up with some cute brown-skinned guy and Justin signaled me to come sit with him on the couch. He better not try no dumb shit, I might be mad at Ron, but I'm not a cheater.

"So you enjoying yourself?" He asked.

"Yes, I really am you guys are too funny, I didn't expect how comfortable I would be chilling over here." I confessed.

He looked appalled.

"Well what did you expect?" He asked.

"To be real, I thought it was gonna be half naked ass hoes running around here, and "playas" tryna run game on me every five minutes." I said.

His face went from irradiated to caring and sincere. He stared at me.

"Look I know it sounds cliche, but you can't believe everything you hear, people get on these blogs and swear they know me. I bust my ass everyday making sure I don't screw up my scholarship and keeping up a 4.0 GPA but people don't ever write about stuff like that, they just point out the bad." He said venting.

"I admire that Justin, I really do and I'm glad I got to know some of the real you tonight." I said smiling.

He started looking at me a certain way that made me feel uncomfortable. He was looking at me like I was his wife and we had been married for years. I knew it was time for me to go.

"Well it's about that time." I said getting up.

"Okay I'll walk y'all out." He said.

I signaled Aaleeyah and she got up and put her jacket on and followed me out. Justin gave us both hugs.

"Hey before you leave, let's take a selfie." He said pulling out his phone.

"Okay, sure." I said uneasy.

We took a few pictures, then I got into  Aaleeyah's car. As we drove off Shaq and Trey ran out and started chasing  after the car hysterically. Aaleeyah and I started laughing as we pulled off, I noticed Justin shaking his head. Tonight was great, just innocent fun. I needed this.

Lust and Love ( A Justin Combs, India Westbrooks, and Ron Robinson love story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz