Chapter 3

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Authors Note:

Nico won YAY.

Ok so it would be really awesome if you guys could come up with a prophecy for Ariel and Nico.

Thanks Love you guys sorry this late.


Chapter 3

Ariel POV

I wake up in an unfamiliar room that looks to be an infirmary. But why would I be in the infimary. I ponder this for secound. Then I remember the Minotaur and my necklace turned into a bow with arrows strapped to my back. I remember me being the klutz I am and trip over and getting my leg squashed.

I look down at my leg to see my leg put in a cast. I sigh feeling sluggish. I see water on a table next to the bed I'm laying on. I reach out grabbing the glass of water. I put it to my lips and drink the heavenly water that sooves my throat that I didn't know was sore.

I place the glass back on the table feeling a lot better. Seeing whomever put me here isn't here. I guess I should try to escape while I can. Seeing crutchs on the other side of the wall close to the door.

I push aside the blanket and hop as quietly as I can towards the crutchs. I grasp the crutchs and place them under my armpits.

The door suddenly opens much to my suprise I stumble back a bit trying to keep my balance but of course failing. Three teenagers had walked into the room as I fell over.

My raven hair went into my face so I couldn't see. Thank the lord I only landed on my but.

I hear two guys laugh loudly as I guess the third person had walked over to me to help me up. I move my hair out of my face and huff angryly.

A girl around the same age as me with blonde curly hair and grey eyes offers me a hand which I gladly take.

"My names Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena" blonde chick says.

"Hi my names Ariel Ravenclaw, daughter of some asshole of a dad" I reply back bitterly. I still have scars on my wrist from not only depression but my dad when he would beat me. See my mother stoped giving contact to my dad when I was five, I had never met her but I most definately don't like her.

Annabeth looks taken aback for a secound.

"Well this is my boyfriend Percy Jackson son of Poisodon" she points to a boy clearly taller then me with blue green eyes and black hair. "And this is Nico di Angelo son of Hades" she points to an atractive guy whom is taller than me considering I'm only five ft three.

"And you Ariel are at camp half blood for demigods" she says.

I widen my eyes DEMIGODS.

Authors Note:

Can anyone make me a cover for this story pretty please with a Nico on top??

I will edit this tommorow or whenever I get the chance.






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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2015 ⏰

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