002 The Interrogation

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Tick, tock, tick, tock.

I've been sitting inside a locked room for about three hours- well, I'm assuming it's been three hours. I could hear the ticking of the clock, of which I had counted 11,309 so far, but couldn't see it anywhere, which leads me to believe that it's in the room on the other side of the two-way mirror in front of me. The only other furniture in the room aside from the chair I was sitting on was a wide, sturdy-looking table in front of me, as well as another chair on the other side.

I drummed my fingers on the table, beginning to feel impatient. I knew that someone was watching me from the other side of the mirror, as well as from the "hidden" camera in the corner of the room. I also knew that the other girls were also sitting alone in different interrogation rooms. They had probably already been questioned, and I was just waiting for my turn.

I didn't have to wait for too long. A few minutes later, the door opened.

In walked a short, middle-aged man. He had a somewhat plump figure and a soft, kind-looking face. However, when he looked at me, I saw the years of wisdom and experience behind his eyes.

There was a smile on his face as he walked over to the chair in front of me. He pulled it out and sat down, putting the small, McDonald's paper bag and folder he was carrying on the table.


"Hello, Captain Bang." I replied calmly. He didn't even look surprised that I knew his name.

"I have some food for you. You must be hungry." He said as he slid the paper bag over to me.

"Thank you." I replied. He waited for me to touch the bag but I didn't, so he just continued.

He opened the folder, and inside I saw a picture of me taken a few years ago with some text printed at the bottom.

"Song Aeri." He read.

"That's me."

Captain Bang sighed and put the paper back inside the folder, closing it as he moved it to the side. He then clasped his hands together and leaned forward.

"That's all we have on you." He stated.

"Honestly, I'm surprised you even got that much." I shrugged, but on the inside, my mind was whirring.

I wonder how they got that picture of me as well as my name. I don't have any government records. Heck, technically I don't even exist.

Captain Bang studied me for a moment, no doubt wondering what I was hiding from him. I didn't move under his stare.

That would be a sign of weakness.

Although, from what I've seen from the Captain so far by studying his movements, micro expressions, and words, he didn't seem to be the type of person to take advantage of someone in a vulnerable state, but if there's one thing I've learned from my training, it's that I shouldn't trust anyone.

My girls were the only exception.

"I have already interviewed-"

Interrogated, you mean

"-the other girls." He told me. "You can say that I'm shocked at how cooperative they've been."

"Why is that?"

"Criminals don't usually confess to their crimes that easily."

"Shouldn't you be happy? We're giving you what you want." I asked, raising an eyebrow. Captain Bang stared at me again, still trying to decode me.

"You see, that makes everything suspicious." He said with a careful tone. "We get an anonymous tip on the location of your family's-"

Why did he say it like that?

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