Chapter 8

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{Warning: mentions of self harm}

James daughter?

I furrowed my eyebrows slightly. Didn't she look younger in the photo? I thought she was like sixteen or something. She looks about my age right now.

"Nice to meet you." I snapped out of it, nodding my head with a smile.

Suddenly the person in front of me was finished ordering and I was the next one in line.

"Next." The person called. I looked over, moving to order when she stepped beside me.

"A water please." She smiled at the worker, "What do you want?" She looked over at me with a smile.

"Eh, two waters." I mumbled, a bit caught off guard.

"And two waters." She added.

She reached towards her pocket and my mind processed what was going on.

"Oh. No. I'll pay." I tried to stop her, but she was already passing her card to the guy.

"It's totally fine. You can pay me back later if you really care." She laughed at my flustered face. She grabbed a water bottle and I grabbed the other two as she walked away.

"I thought my father told me about you. But judging by your expression I'd say you had no clue who I was." She continued the conversation as I trailed after her.

"He did tell me about you it's just that you looked..." I trailed off, finding the right words, "younger. Sorry."

She laughed, "It's all good. I got to meet you anyway right? Who are you here with?" She nodded her head towards the two water bottles in my hands.

"Huh?" I looked down at them, "Oh. Just with some friends."

She nodded, smiling sweetly. Suddenly a teen came from the crowd behind her, running away from one of the workers scaring him when he bumped into James daughter. She stumbled forwards against me and I caught her out of instinct.

"You alright?" I looked down at her with raised eyebrows.

She looked up, nodding slowly before taking a step back. I eyed her slightly and barely realized that she was wearing a costume as a devil. She had the headband with horns as well as a red dress and leather red boots.

"Hm..." she nodded her head in understanding, "I heard you're doing an amazing job as Jack in the movie my dad is directing."

My eyes widened, "Me?" I pointed to myself, "James said that about me?"

She nodded, "He basically adores you. So do I. I think you're such an amazing actor. I can't wait to have dinner with you sometime to talk about your past movies." She beamed.

I smiled shyly. James really said that about me...

"Grace! Come on." A girl not far away called after James daughter.

She smiled up towards me, "I should go. I'll see you soon." She leaned up, kissing my cheek quickly. She waved, walking away.

I furrowed my eyebrows, looking after her. Did that just happen?
I sighed, stretching my arms as the bachelors walked beside me, scattered around as we walked out of the amusement park for closing time.

"I'm exhausted." Mia yawned into her palm.

"My feet hurt." Brad complained, shaking off his legs.

"That's what you get for not taking a car here and drinking." Johnny shook his head towards him.

"Johnny." Brad clinged to him desperately, "Can you please please PLEASE give me a ride home?"

Our little Secret {Sequel to Unrequited}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant