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WHen i get up in the morning, i think that today i hve to go to london again..

I hve missed the city a lotttt..

Yesterday when my mother nd father came home, i explained them everything nd they gave me permission to go as they were also shifting to london back next week(monday)..

Im really excited yet sad bcoz going to london means stepping into the memories of harry again..

Bt ya ill go no doubt about that..i miss kathy nd everybdy else sooo much..

So i decide to pack my suitcase. Its nt much of a work cuz i had brought less clothes wd me..

As i go out wd my suitcase..

My dad calls from outside..

"Buckle up, sweetheart, u will miss ur flight"

"Coming, dad" i shout back.

I hug my mom nd kiss her on cheek before waving goodbye nd telling her that ill be okay nd will meet her on monday..




My dad drops me to the airport nd i hug him again assuring the same things that i did to my mom..

"Take care sweety"

"I will dad"

He gives me a smile nd i nod before turning nd going to catch my flight..




As i get down, i call kathy nd tell hed ill be meeting her in half an hour in our dorm room.. she replied half excited nd half smirking..

I dont know wat she is planning.

I take a cab nd reach my dorm room shortly after, hugging kathy nd then deciding wat to wear..as the time for the party comes near i get very nervous.....

Its 6:30 pm when kathy says, "lets get ready, rose"

"Alright" i say.

And i wear the dress i decided- a glittery one shoulder dress that reaches my knees..

I pick out a beautiful pair of pumps from my closet to go wd it..

And then i apply a slight bt beautiful makeup ony eyes, face and lips nd im ready to go.

Kathy wears a blue coloured dress that reaches her thigh nd wears a very very high heeled pump..

"Woah, thats big" i tell her.

"Its fashion, sweetheart" she says.

"You're a raconteur" i say.

"Not exactly" she says.

"Ya bt a bit..hehehe" we both laugh..

And thats when we hear a horn from outside..

(Hiii guys, cant believe one cahpter leftttttt!!! Wooo hooo ily alll)

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