Cruel Love

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Can you believe this? Calvin just asked my friend  Janice Williams to the dance. I didn't even reply yet. I was even considering saying yes. Whatever! It's not like we were official anyways... Right, he is still my best friend... I hope. I always had a crush on him, but I don't know if he knows. We hung out before, but we never considered it dating. You know what I mean. Before I knew it, I was pouring my heart out to Jaylen over the phone. Like he wants to hear about all my problems.... Pssh, I doubt it. I'm so dramatic! Why do guys go for people like me?


I might just be the dumbest kid at the school. I gave up on Miracle. I feel like nothing is ever going to blossom with us. Of all the people I could of asked, I asked her friend Janice. I had some horrible intentions. It's just a dance though. She knows that. I hope she knows. 


"You are an amazing person Miracle, and if Calvin was your bestfriend, he would understand, and he wouldnt have done that to you. And Cameron...You could do a lot better." I never forgot this girl, and I always liked her. When she moved away, it was like she took a piece of me with her.

"You're being really cool right now. thanks. I think I should start my homework now. Thanks, again." Her voice is so genuine. Her smile is a killa.

Lunch -Next Day At School



I was with my crew, but somehow, I just wasn't present. She was in my line of view. She looks good all the time, but she doesn't do too much. She is just so pure. I want her so bad. All of sudden, that tool Cameron steps up. I lose my cool, and I storm over there, creating a barrier between the two bodies. 

"Don't even waste your time. She doesn't want you." 

"Oh yeah, cause you always know what's best for me?" Miracle shot at me, but she was so calm. I love her. 

Cameron grabbed her waste, and it made me cringe, and he proceeded to asking her out. Before she could even speak I said, "WOW! You're really going to take this kid back. I'm done with you. You put me through so much! You really wanna know why I knocked this kid out.  He called you an easy slut. Maybe he was right, because just look at you. You sicken me."  Cameron tried to stand up for himself, but I was in a whole other place. A place of anger. 

Her eyes started to water, and I reached for her. She didn't even look at me, how could she. Her eyes were flooding, and couldn't hold it in. I tried to apologize but how could I. I was raging. She pushed me away and whispered, " you don't trust me. I was going to say yes, say yes to you. But now I know what's up. I lost you too, but what did I expect? I guess you don't like me that much, have fun with Janice." There was hate in her words. So strong, it turned me on, but I felt like crap. I've never heard such a calm, pure hate before. Why did I do this


I must've looked like a punk this week. Second time I cried. I'm trying to fix my face before history starts, Jaylen can't know. He can't know. I ran to history. Jaylen grabbed me, held my hand, and said, "What's the rush?" I let go of his hand. It might make me look easy. Our eyes met, and mine began to water. I instinctively gave him a hug. I needed this, and we walked to history together. He brightens my day.

90 minutes later

Jaylen opened the door for me. I guess its becoming a regular type of thing just like Calvin's hard eyes as he sees me with another dude. I sit down. Calvin is speaking, I don't want to hear. I'm trying to tune out the ringing symphonies of the "sorries." Jaylen asked if I was okay. I told him all about it during passing period, which was 6 minutes of drama queen. He listened though. He looked at Calvin, a smug grimace, and he turned back to the board to take notes. 


Sorry, Sorry, Sorry.

She's talking to Jaylen, it's killing me. She's killing me. It's time. i bring out the phone and text her.


"Calvin," the teacher called sternly. "Since whatever you're doing is more important than lesson 9.5, let's share what you're doing." She grabbed the phone before Calvin could turn it off.

"Miracle, will you go to the dance with me," I hurried before our teacher could share with us whatever was going down. I had a feeling it had to do with Miracle. She was wrapped up with what she had to say.

"Listen up Class. We've got a story:

Miracle, I'm sorry for everything. Ohhs& Aws filled the room. I was just so angry at the time, and please just listen to me. I know I hurt you, never had i heard you with that tone. Cameron is no good. I told you, and I thought you were going to take him back. I should have trusted your judgement. You are just about the smartest person I know. I didn't mean I was really done with you. It was the anger speaking please forgive me. I know you are so pure, so beautiful, so real. I wish I could take back what I said, but I can't. Please don't hate me, you're killing me. I love you."

I watched Miracle slowly sink in to her desk. She looked at me, and whispered, " I'd love to go to the dance with you, Jay." She called me Jay. I'm falling for her. But I just don't want to take advantage of her, considering all that's going down.

"Calvin, you can have your phone back, no need for your parents to bring it back. That was embarrassing enough." The classroom exploded with laughs.

 BEEEP Class was over, I called Miracle over. We heard yelling, and we turned around. Janice had just slapped Calvin. He looked up at Miracle, and looked down. He had lost a date, and lost the best friend he had ever had. 

"Miracle, I don't want you to feel like you have to go to the dance with me. You must be going through a lot right now. I don't want to take advantage."

"Jay, you're sweet, and nice. We're friends. Friends can dance." She smiled. "I would love to go with you, thank you." Her eyes glistened with tears, and she sped away.

I turned around, and Calvin was right there. He couldn't even look at me. I feel pity on this kid. He should control himself better. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2012 ⏰

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