part 7

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I woke up in a cold sweat and my stomach cramping the worst it's ever cramped before. I could barely move, but I had to quickly force myself up and ran to the bathroom making it to the toilet just in time to empty the continents of my stomach. I was hunched over the toilet for a good 10 minutes before standing up. I brushed my teeth to get the taste out of my mouth. I draped my favorite throw blanket over my shoulders and slowly walked in Dacre's room. I shook him lightly, "bubba, I don't feel good." He said nothing, he just slid over to the middle of his bed and lifted up the blankets. I curled up in his arms, he slowly rubbed my back as I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to a dark, empty room. "Bubba?" I tiredly whispered. I slightly jumped at the door opening, Dacre entering the room. "Hey, how are you feeling?" He asked resting the back of his hand on my four head to check my temperature. "Still feel like shit." I was suddenly hit with a coughing fit. Dacre padded my back to help get the cough out. I took a sip of water and laid back down. "I'll be right back" Dacre left the room, returning a minute later with a laptop and medicine"Thought you might like to watch some Netflix. And this will help you feel better" I thanked him and took the medicine as he pulled up Netflix. As I looked for something Dacre opened the curtains letting it the light. I decided to rewatch Queer Eye. I watched season 1 and the start of season 2 when I got a little hungry. I paused the show and went to the kitchen where Dacre was doing some work. "Hi, do you need something?" He asked getting up from the table. "No, I'm just looking for something small to snack on." I opened the fridge and pulled out a bag of baby carrots. "Can I eat these?" I asked holding up the bag to Dacre.
"Sure, you don't have to ask." I smiled and went back to the room.

I was in there all day until Dacre came in "So, do you think you feel better enough to give me back my room?" I looked around "I don't know, your bed is pretty comfortable." I laughed "okay well you clearly feel at least a little better. So how bout you go take a shower to get the germs off and I'll change the bed sheets to some clean ones." I sighed and got up I walked back to my room and took a long hot shower. I felt so much better after. I went to the kitchen to see what Dacre was making for dinner.
A stir-fry of pork, potatoes and veggies. I snapped a quick picture of him cooking. "What are you doing?" He asked looking up at me. "Taking a picture to show everyone how great of a brother you are." He chuckled at me as he dished up two plates.

BaileyMontgomery I have the best brother ever!

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BaileyMontgomery I have the best brother ever!

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After dinner we made cookies and watched 3 episodes of Supernatural. Both of us fell asleep on the couch.

Sorry it's bad
Word count 557

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