CH 5

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Ch 5 

‘Sometimes, you’ve gotta let go… or never’


Amisa turned her head to the noise. Her eyes met with Sasuke’s colder one. “Here…” he said. Amisa looked at the fruits he had in his hands. A slight frown curved on her lips. “I’m sick of fruits… I want something else…” she pouted. Sasuke was taken aback. “This is all I can get you” he said in a sigh, placing the fruits on the side table. Amisa felt her stomach grumbling but the fruits did not seem appealing.

“Please, Sasuke-kun…” she begged him. Sasuke stopped and looked at her over his shoulder. “If you don’t want to eat, it’s up to you” he said, resumed leaving the room. Amisa sprinted on her feet, grabbing Sasuke’s by his arm. “No, no… I’m really hungry…” she said with teary eyes looking at him. Sasuke squinted at her in disbelief. “Then eat the fruits…” he muttered, darting away from her flushed expression; it made his heart racing.

Amisa crossed her arms in disappointment. “By this time of the year, a festival is held all around the town…” she muttered. Sasuke stopped yet again, turning towards her. He kept silent, waiting for Amisa to spill her wants. “I thought… we could go downtown…” she said, peeking on Sasuke once awhile. The guy sighed deeply.

“No” he simply said. “Sasuke-kun… I need proper food. Besides, I don’t feel good about being stuck here, in this cave everyday…” she said and immediately regretting it. Sasuke glowered at her. “I’ve been telling you to go away. I never stop you from leaving this place, didn’t I?” he said firmly. Amisa was silent. They were silent, staring at each other for some moment.

Sighing loudly, Sasuke looked away. “Fine… but tonight only” he said, pressing on the word ‘only’. Amisa’s eyes were widened in joy. “Thanks! Sasuke-kun… I love you!” she giggled in delight before blushing madly.


The dragon flew at the edge of the town, stopping near the dark forest. After Amisa stood on the ground firmly, Sasuke transformed into his human state; pulling the hood over his head. Then, Amisa was a few steps ahead of him, pointing to the festival gleefully. “We’re here! I can’t believe this!” she chirped happily. Sasuke shook his head at the lady. “A-ahh… the air…” Amisa inhaled deeply into the cold night air, mixed with tempting smell of foods. She gulped.

“Just… don’t be too long” said Sasuke while his hand was being tugged towards the town. “Don’t nag! Let’s have some real food!” said Amisa, sounding eager.

In minutes, they were at the festivals. The streets were crowded with people, noise and mixed of smells. Booths were set up along the streets with bright lights. Amisa felt cheery while Sasuke was a bit nervous.

“Relax… we’re in another town” said Amisa, as she held Sasuke’s hand. “No one will recognize you here” she added, with an assuring smile. It did put a soothing feeling in Sasuke’s heart but the smell of meats everywhere made him starving.  

They went along the street, stopping almost at every booth that was selling food. “You’re gonna get fat, trust me…” Sasuke whispered to Amisa as they were waiting for the store owner preparing a choco-banana. Amisa frowned at his comment. “I’ve been longing for all these. Now, shut up!” she replied. Sasuke smirked at her.

Then they went to another stop. And Amisa was eating a yakitori. “You want some?” she asked, shoving the meaty goodness to Sasuke’s face. The guy backed away. “No… I’m full” he said. The smell of meat no longer appetizing, it made him want to puke. “Really full…” Sasuke added, after receiving a glare from Amisa.

After some time, Amisa too, feeling satisfied and was really full. “I’m eating too much…” she said, patting her tummy. “I told you not to eat a lot…” replied Sasuke, smirking at the lady.

While Amisa went to buy a drink, Sasuke went to the washroom. Something caught his attention at the notice board, a small poster of missing person. He pulled it off the board and quickly recognized the person. “Amisa…” he thought. he turned to look at the unknowing lady by the booth. Apparently, people were looking for Amisa. They must have thought that she was missing or more precisely, had been killed by him.

Sasuke crumpled the poster. Hurriedly, he returned to Amisa but was halted when he saw two guards patrolling. And the guards were walking towards Amisa. Again, Sasuke had an inner fight within himself. He thought of telling Amisa about the poster and bringing her away from the place. So that the guards would not see her and taking her away from him.

Yet, he also thought that this is his only chance to leave Amisa, the only good chance to give her away to good hands. “It’s better for her to stay here” he thought. Sasuke had always wanted her to go away since the day she came to his cave. But the stubborn lady insisted to stick with him. And she created a mess in his heart. He fell for her somehow. “But she’s better without me!” he screamed inwardly.

Sasuke eyed the guards that were getting closer towards Amisa. While Amisa was unaware of the coming guards and as she turned towards them, Sasuke turned his gaze away. He refused to know what will happen to her next. He paced to leave the festival ground, to the edge of the forest. His heart was beating madly and aching from nothingness that he felt. He flew away into the dark night sky.


Upon reaching the cave that was two cities away, Sasuke was feeling troubled. He sighed deeply, rubbing his temple. Then slowly, Sasuke walked to his chamber. He lighted the candles and slowly the dark chamber turned bright. Sasuke rested at the bedside, thinking deeply of his own action, his own heart feeling.

Amisa’s stuffs were still there, her medical items and her clothes. “This even smell like her…” he muttered, holding the pillow. Sasuke cupped his face, fighting the turmoil in his heart. He thought he had started the new meaning of life when he met her, or rather when she found him. And he had learned to love again and to trust humans. She even brought back the memories that he has long suppressed; the memories of his dearly loved wife. And now, he was letting her go.

“Shit, Sasuke!” he cussed to himself as he bolted out of the chamber. He transformed into his dragon-self again and flew leaving the cave. He knew he must get her back.

Sasuke flew again in cold, dark night sky. He did not mind to travel across the two cities again. He should not have done it in the first place, he thought. He should not let her go away. He should grab her hands; bring her away, away from everyone else. She loves him too, right?

After hours of travelling, Sasuke reached the city. He could saw the festival was started to close. But something peculiar was happening at the town square and Sasuke did not felt good about it. Countless small balls of light were seen marching along the road, surrounding something.

Sasuke flew lower and saw a tumbrel in the middle of the crowd. His eyes widened at the sight. Amisa was inside. She was captured. As Sasuke flew lower, the people started to scream, “The dragon! It’s coming!”.

*yakitori – Japanese grilled chicken
*tumbrel – a cart usually used to bring criminal to the guillotine 

To be continued...

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