III. Awaited Friend

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As empty as empty

But with a bargain whole heartedly

An occurrence to be expected unexpectedly

Skipping the times of lonely

Joy has arrived, waiting is done, finally

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Poem Explanation:

Awaited Friend in a simpler phrase is "the friend I've been waiting for"

It is about the persona's answered prayer to have as companion in her loneliness.

It does not explain who or what type of friend is given but she is very satisfied with it.

If we are going to analyze why she yearns for a friend, it's very obvious that the reason is because

she feels lonely and maybe even bored with life.

This has something to do with the persona's characteristic, in the first line she describes herself as empty.

In a society where an equal amount of give and take is a must, the persona doesn't have much to give and thus she has nothing.

By nothing it refers with the crucial needs in the aspects of time, money, status and etc. This made her feel and believe that she is unworthy but she still bargains with her heart.

It's not about the persona having a friend but rather she becomes a friends to someone with the appearance of the friend she is given.


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Reflection Note

For some people a friend is not hard to find in fact they might not seem important.

In a life where people come and go and an environment where change is often we become independent but it does not change the fact that people need each other.

Man can do a lot by himself but a group can do even more, so people need others but then some people focus only on the "need" and so they will only choose others who has the capacity to cater their need.

They forget the essence of companionship which is the heart of giving, to fill in the gap of another and vise versa.

This does not only refer to material things but in all aspects of life.

This is how humanity should be viewed in the society.

People are not only responsible to themselves and the people they choose but to everyone as well.

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Vocabulary Notes

We don't just read we learn

Not to be geniuses but to be gainers

1. companion - someone to be with

2. vice versa - the other way around

3. crucial - important

4. aspect - viewpoint

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