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Rule 1: IN YOUR EVERY COMMENT ON EVERY BOOK, ADD THE TAG #SexyRats. OUR MISSION IS TO SPREAD ALL OVER WATTPAD!!! (You don't have to, dis rule is optional)

Rule 2: never be rude to another person, a part of the rat fam or not. You never know, they could be part of the rat fam in the future.

Rule 3: Encourage people to join the fam! The more rats, the merrier! (another optional rule)

Rule 4: NEVER BETRAY THE FAM. Like never leave the fam without notice, or else, your name will forever be on the members list and people will think that u still are part of the fam.

A RECOMMENDATION: I would recommend to have a backup acc if you were to join the fam, cuz we usually talk a lot and if you don't want a lot of notifs, u can chill on ur backup acc.

If you have any other rules in mind, comment them here ——>

SEXY RAT FAMWhere stories live. Discover now