A Message To All Of You

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Dear members, existing and new before proceeding further please go through this once. This is something that I want you to remember and realise before you become a part of our family and our lives.

You guys need to learn that you're not annoying. Okay? We love you for the way you are. Yes, sometimes someone will get a little irritated because if something done by you, we are humans too and we hate some things. That doesn't mean that we/they hate you and that you should leave. Instead, take some time and go offline for a while, cooldown and then comeback and apologize and demand for an apology!

 Leaving the family is not and will never be a solution.

Get this drilled in your head, please. If you leave over the smallest things, then we are not a freaking family. We're just strangers who know a bit about each other and will leave just when things get though. This is not us, we stick together and get through all the hard times.

We are a family who stays together and gets through the hard times. We're there for each other and yes, there will be times when we get angry on each other or pissed at each other. But this is not the way to go about it. You need time, take it. But for fucks sake don't leave. Talk about it when you're better. If you ever decide to leave, please tell us if you are leaving because we unknowingly hurt you and demand for an apology. You deserve that, we should apologize for hurting you. Whether you decide to be back or not, you deserve it. But, we deserve to know why you're leaving too. You a part of this family and if you leave, that's gonna be sad for us too. Let us know why you're leaving so that we don't keep blaming ourselves.

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