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삼 ┃❛❛ Did you perhaps come here for something else? ❜❜

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삼 ┃❛❛ Did you perhaps come here for something else? ❜❜



It's like amortentia that you can rather feel than smell; calming when it flows around you ─── so abstract but real at the same time. It fills the air without effort, like the waves filling holes in beach sand. When it matches your heartbeat perfectly, it's the reminder that there's nothing like closing your eyes and letting the sweet vibrations course through you.

And so, it's not until the playlist ends that I call back the girl that has been making my phone ring continuously.

It has been long since we properly greeted each other anyway, so I don't bother. "You were here for almost three hours yesterday. Do you miss me that much?"

"Very funny, considering I don't even have the ability to miss you," Haneul snaps. "But this is serious."

"Yeah, sure," I snort. Things being serious with Haneul are as likely as me successfully accomplishing a diet.

"Joke all you want, but it is." This time, she actually sounds tense, making me wonder if she's not playing around after all. "About that notebook you gave Jungkook, at first I didn't see it very well because... well, because he himself was standing right there, exuding his ethereal beauty──"

I interrupt. "Get to the point."

"Well, fine." She sounds offended at the fact that I didn't let her finish her speech on Jeongguk's charms. "Remember that time I slept over at your place during your fifteenth birthday?"

If anything, the girl is making me even more impatient. "Yes, of course I remember that one time you slept over at my house four years ago because we most certainly didn't have a hundred sleep-overs."

She ignores my sarcasm and proceeds, "We were going through our horny teen phase back then and discussed kinks. And you went as far as to list down your possible ones in your sketchbook──"

"Because my mother wouldn't check it since I never draw," I complete her sentence, my voice growing quieter towards the end. The realization creeps over me like an icy chill as a thousand thoughts pass through my mind.

What will Jeongguk think of me when he reads that list? I'd never be able to look at him the same way again. What if he ends up telling Jimin? He would tease the hell out of me. Wait. What if Jimin ends up telling Mom──

The possibilities rush past until they eventually numb my brain, offering me only one thought.

I fucked up real good.

Anxiously, I ask into the phone, "Do you think he might've seen it already?"

"I don't know, but would you really want to find out?" Han asks from the other side.

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