
589 13 8

[a/n: this chapter takes place around the same time as the previous chapter]

No one's POV

It was a nice day in San Francisco, CA, USA. Sure it may have been wintertime, but there were no clouds in the sky, and there was a light breeze in the air. Everything seemed normal, and everyone was at peace.

Except for one person.

(Insert random ringtone)

???'s POV


"Miss Kim, I'd like for you to come into my office."

"Certainly, boss."

No one's POV

Jisoo Kim wasn't necessarily the hardest worker at the office. She tended to slack off a lot, always talking to her friends on the phone or on Instagram 24/7 instead of actually doing anything productive. When she did do something productive, however, it wasn't exactly the greatest thing in the world. It also didn't help her that she had some bad blood with not only the other co-workers, but she also had problems with the boss as well.

Jisoo walked into Mr. Lee's office.

"You wanted to see me, Mr. Yang?" Jisoo asked.

"Yes, miss Kim. Have a seat," Mr. Yang responded.

Then, it got ugly.

"Miss Kim, I hired you because you said you were capable of handling anything at any time. You promised me that you would do as much, if not more than the hardest worker in our company. You even told me that I would not regret hiring you one bit. Unfortunately, you have not been as productive as we expected, and you have done nothing besides talking to your friends from the moment you walked in on your first day to even ten minutes ago. You have clearly not met our expectations, and you obviously have not kept any of your promises from that interview we had a year ago."

"But Mr. Yang, I—"

"If you weren't as good-looking, I would've kicked you out of the building the moment I saw you slacking off." That obviously hurt Jisoo, not just physically but mentally.

"Wait, I can explain—"

"I'm sorry, miss Kim, but you're fired. You have one hour to pack up your things and leave the building."

Jisoo was heartbroken. She had the chance of making millions, to become useful for once in her life. Instead, she decided to waste her time and talk to her three best friends, who Jisoo believed was dragging her down. But she couldn't let them go like that, she's known them since her days back in South Korea as a young teenager. Her friends meant the world to her, ever since Jisoo's parents were killed in a car accident.

Time Skip

Jisoo's POV


Jichu: Heyyyyyyy~


Jichu: It's been two hours

Jendeukie: Exactly, it's been way too long

Jichu: ._.

Pasta: You're home early. What u doing

Pokpak: Did Mr. boss man give u a longer lunch break.....?

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