final goodbye.

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It all began by chance. A chance meeting between two random people.

On a train, you passed by and smiled at me in slow motion.

The need and reason for this random person to continue smiling, you took as your responsibility.

You kept coming.

Kept passing by and making a stranger feel worthy

Those nights I'd stay up talking to you over the phone haunt me.

The whisper of your voice lingers in my head and the rasp of an apology lands on deaf ears.

I'd like to think that you meant those empty words. But for I know you'll say your sorry through your smile.

I want to be mad, but I should have known.

For you, a stranger, a random person passing by on train, are almost done passing through.

The slow motion smile is now up turned.

Brought to reality I feel anew.

A new person realizing the true impact you've had, how important it was.

Yes it hurt and I wish the pain would fade, but those heart broken feelings make me wish that we both grew.

So tall it wouldnt matter where the train would take us.

Those thoughts are fantasy, my mind with a missing screw.

For now if you ever think to ask the significance and why,

For these were only seconds you passed by.

Poems To Soothe My Aching Heart •Where stories live. Discover now