I Won't Remember This (PT.2)

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(tws- hospitals, suicide mentions.)

I have fade in and fade out memories of hospital lights of emergency room doctors wheeling me to down long, off-white colored hallways.

I jolt up from the gurney in this disgusting looking hospital dress.

"Oh, this is fucking ugly." I grimace and then groan. My head is pounding.

"Frank! You're awake!" A voice to my right exclaims. I look at where the voice is coming from and see Gerard, Ray, and Mikey looking concerned. Ray is the one who talked.

"I wish I wasn't. It would have been nice to get a good night's sleep." I murmur under my breath. "And stop yelling."

"Shut up and lay back down." Gerard says harshly. He's mad at me. That's fine, I don't care, what I do care about though is leaving.

"Can I leave yet?" I hum, Ingoring Gerard's demand.

Suddenly a nurse and a doctor appear in the doorway. Great.

"My name is doctor blah blah blah, you're lucky to not be in a coma, blah blah blah, Im a fucking dumbass, blah blah blah," they blab on and on while I calculate if I could make it to the door if I just booked it. I can't.

"Are you even listening, Frank?" Gerard blurts, angrily.

"Oh, well sure I am, or rather I would be, if anything doc was saying was actually interesting." I say aloofly as Gerard looks just about ready to strangle me to death and the doctor sighs tiredly. This must happen to them a lot.

I almost feel bad.


"So, when can I leave?" I ask doc.

"Um, well, we um. We have to make sure this wasn't a suicide attempt. Once we can determine that it wasn't then, you can leave tommorow morning."

I glare at the doctor. "You think I was trying to off myself? Trying to kick my own fucking bucket? Seriously? Do I look suicidal to you, doctor?"

The doctor looks taken aback. "Well, I can't-"

I interrupt with, "and secondly, I have to do a show tonight, because I'm a musician, not a suicidalist. And even if I didn't, I'm not staying a fucking night in this goddamn hospital with this fucking tiny sword pumping mineral water into my blood stream. You are going to let me the fuck out of this room or i promise you, you will regret it." I growl at the doctor.

"We cancelled the show already, Frankie." Ray speaks, quietly.

"What? Why the fuck did you do that?"

"Because you're in a fucking hospital, you stupid dick!" Gerard yells, getting fed up. "Everyone, get out now." He says, sternly and everyone reluctantly hurries out of the room.

"Fuck you, Gerard. I can't believe you guys cancelled a show because of such a ridiculously pathetic reason."

"No, you know what, Frank? Fuck you. You overdose on pain and anti-anxiety meds, because you think you need them to preform on the tour. You don't and you know that. You helped me stop drinking and I'm going to help you stop pushing pills. I just need you to accept my help." 

I look at his eyes. They're fiery, like he means it. I don't know if he does. I sigh. "Fine. I'll let you help me. On one condition you make them let me out of here."

"You're so stubborn, just let me," he begins, then stops and looks at me with shock on his face. "What did you say?"

"Can you please stop acting so surprised? It hurts quite a lot, actually." I roll my eyes. Sarcasm is my specialty, definitely.

"I said that if you get the doctors to let me leave today, I'll let you help me."

Gerard still looks a little shocked at how easy I accepted. "I.....Well, I'm not too sure that they'll let you just walk out of here that easily."

I groan quietly. "M-motherfucker." I fucking hate hospitals. They're so damn creepy. I'm gonna need a whole lot of Lexapros if they keep me here over night.

Time to turn on the charm.

Step 1: puppy eyes.

I look into his eyes and focus on looking innocent and delicate. Like I need to be protected.

Step 2: begging.

"Gerard, please don't let them keep me here...I can't stay here, please..." He likes it when I beg.

Step 3: tears.

I think about my dead dog and a few tears make their way down my face. "P-please." I allow my voice to break a little.

Gerard puts his hand under my chin and leans it up. "Hey, shhh, it's okay, darling. I'll try my best, okay? And if I can't get you out then I'll stay with you until you can leave, okay? No need to worry. I'm here."


"Thank you, Gee." I whisper.

"No problem." He says and goes to kiss my cheek. I turn my head and capture his lips in a kiss.

God, I love his lips. They're so...soft. At least right now. After shows- or sometimes even during shows- his lips are really slimy and like, sweaty, I guess? I don't really know how else to describe it.

Gerard is the first to pull away. "Not here." He whispers.

What the fuck did that mean? Does he think I want to fuck in this hospital bed?

"I just wanted a kiss, Gee. Why can't I have one?" I ask and lean my head up, trying to kiss him again.

He leans back, making sure I can't kiss him. "Because I don't want anyone else to see us making out in this hospital bed." He chuckled lightly and without humor. He was scared of us getting caught.

"Its not like no one has ever seen us make out before." I mutter bitterly.

He's such a fucking coward. Who cares if two boys kiss? What are they gonna do, Throw bricks at us? Through our windows? Give me a break.

He ingores that comment and walks to the door.

"I'm gonna go convince the doctor to let you leave okay? Bye Frank." He leaves before I get a chance to say goodbye back.

"Okay, bye. Love you too, honey bunches. Oh stop it, you're too sweet." I say mockingly as I rip the syringe out of my arm and sigh, looking at the ceiling.

I wonder where they put my clothes.

I sit up and look around.

"Aha, found em." I get up and go to my colthes, instantly checking the pockets for a cigarette at least.

I pull out a lighter, some spare change, a condom, my probably dead phone, a guitar pick and finally a box of cigarettes.

"Fuck yeah," I hum and open it.

Empty, of course.

"Oh, for fucks sake." I growl and throw the box across the room.

I suppose if I'm leaving anyways I should get dressed.

I put on my clothes and go to the bathroom to fix up my hair in the mirror, then walk back out of the bathroom.

Then Gerard and the doctor come back into the room.

The doctor frowns when he notices that I'm out of the bed and dressed.

Gerard glares at me.

"So, can I leave now?" I ask.

The doctor frowns deeper. "We have to check you out of the hospital first then, well, ultimately yes. You can leave."

"Thank fuck." I smile, happy to be on my way out. "How long is the check out going to take?"

"About....well, maybe twenty minutes, give or take."

I shrug. That's not that bad. Could be worse.

A/N: hey! You guys were practically begging for me to give you guys a part two so here! I hope it lives up to your expectations. -V

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