Backstory Chapter 3 : A13 + Jason

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Main Character : A13 (16 years old), Jason (16 years old)

Location : FREEDOM secret outpost, H city militia Base #56

(FREEDOM secret outpost)

Three people gathered in front of a laptop. One of them was sitting on a chair operating the laptop while the other two were standing behind him, watching as his fingers fly on the keyboard.

'Hey nerd, is it working?' One of the observer asked.

'Be patient.' The person sitting replied. 'Hacking isn't easy.'

'You better be quick. We won't want the police to track us down.' The observer hurried.

'Don't worry. I replicated our IP address in various location. All they can find is dozens of location but they will never know our exact position.' The person sitting clicked on the trackpad for the one last time. 'We are in.' He announced.

'Great. Begin transaction.' The other observer ordered.

The nerd worked on his laptop for a brief while. 'Hold up a minute. There is a security measure and I can't break it.' He said.

'What the hell do you mean you can't break it? Our plan failed?' The observers asked.

'Not failed.' The nerd insisted. 'It's just that they limited each transaction to not more than $1000. That means we will have to break down our transactions into multiple smaller transactions, which will take a longer time.'

'Fine, just be quick.'

(H city militia Base #56)

Members of division 9 and 13 gathered inside the debriefing room. They waited patiently until the supreme commander of the militia walked in.

'Okay guys.' The commander announced. 'We just got a message from the police force. They are working on a case of cybercrime. A hacker from FREEDOM, a local terrorist organization, hacked into the server of a bank and illegal transactions had been made. Luckily, the server's security mechanism stalled us a lot of time, and allowed us to track their exact location even with interference.' The commander put up a map on the screen. 'Here.' He pointed. 'Known outpost of FREEDOM.'

A13 raised his hand. 'What does this have to do with us.' He asked.

'Good question.' The commander replied. 'Now FREEDOM is a terrorist network. They have an entire arsenal. The police simply didn't have enough firepower to arrest them. Therefore, we are taking over the case.'

'Do you have any question?' The commander paused briefly. 'No questions? Good.'

'Now here is our plan. Division 9 will be responsible for securing the perimeter and make sure there are no hidden snipers near this region. You will also set up a blockade within a 1km radius. In the event of suspects escaping you will be the second line of defense. As for division 13, you guys will be the attacking squad. Is it clear?'

'Yes sir!' The troops shouted in unison.

'Good. remember, they are terrorists. We are expecting heavy resistance in this mission. Arrest if possible, kill if necessary. Now gear up.' The commander made a final statement before leaving the room.

(2 hours later)

The entire division 13 sat inside an armored truck. The space is filled with silence as they waited anxiously for the order to attack.

'Hey sir, this is your second mission.' One of the members decide to break the silence. 'Nervous?'

'A little bit.' A13 replied. 'By the way you guys don't have to call me sir. Just call me A13. I am not an authoritarian leader. Feel free to question my orders anytime.'

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