Chapter 1

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Johnny sat on the windowsill and ran his fingers through his black hair, he rested his head on the glass and closed his eyes. He thought of the recent events that have occurred in just the start of this week: his father resigning as king, his mother's disappearance, and not to mention the way his friend Taeyong would act whenever Ten would enter the room.

Johnny opened his eyes again, he continued to look out of the window, it was a bright day and the sun was shining which lifted Johnny's spirits, he thought of taking a walk outside, which he hasn't done in a while. He eventually got off the windowsill and made his way down the quiet hallway, the only sound heard was Johnny's shoes hitting the floor. When he finally made it to the entrance he heard his name called.

"Where are you off to?" The familiar voice called out, Johnny turned and smiled at the shorter.

"Out, Taeyong, don't worry, I won't be long" Johnny smiled to reassure him. Taeyong worries to much about him in his opinion, he was doing fine with all the recent news surprisingly. Johnny watched Taeyong nod in approval, he waved as he opened the door and walked out into freedom.

Johnny walked around the town, the light breeze blowing his hair, he looked around watching children play and parents supervising - the odd couple arguing - but it was mainly peaceful. Johnny made his way to the park and he sat on the bench, resting his head on the back of the bench and closed his eyes, but that was short lived when he heard someone walk up to him.

"Um, can I sit here with you? There is no where else to sit" the voice said, it was so calming for Johnny, music to his ears, the voice sounded like honey. He usually didn't like people invading his quiet time but this voice was so calming. Johnny opened his eyes and looked at the guy, everything about him was beautiful; his lips, nose, everything sculptured to perfection.

Johnny mentally slapped himself and nodded at the smaller man, he watches him sit next to him on the bench, he smiled softly and closed his eyes again, he couldn't stop thinking of the man who was sitting next to him, he probably looked like an idiot smiling so much.

Their was a comfortable silence in the air, Johnny kept glancing on at his phone, seeing the amount of messages he's gotten from Doyoung and Taeyong, he rolled his eyes slightly and he putted his phone in his pocket, he looked at the man and smiled.

"So, what's your name then? I'm surprised I haven't seen you before" Johnny asked as he watched the guy next to him, he seemed nervous, he played with his fingers as he went silent, Johnny gently held his hand slightly as he watched the guy.

"Woojae.. and I just moved here recently" the boy finally answered, he looked at Johnny and smiled softly, Johnny looked back at him and smiled as well.

"It's nice to meet you Woojae, I'm Johnny" he looks at him and he tilts his head as the surprised younger "what's wrong?"

The younger boy got up, still with a surprised expression on his face, after a little while he shuck his head and smiled, showing his dimples. Johnny found it adorable when he did so, it lit up his dull world, it was strange though, he just met this man, and he felt so happy with him.

"I'm sorry," Woojae said softly "I just wasn't expecting to speak to the prince really, I thought you'd want me to address you properly,"

Johnny laughed softly, he stood up and walked up to Woojae, pulling the younger into a tight hug, he squealed slightly, making Johnny laugh again softly. They stayed like this for a couple of minutes, the boy fit perfectly in his arms and he couldn't help feel his heart flutter, the young boy seems to be blushing as well, probably not expecting the hug.

Johnny pulled away after a little while, he looked down at the boy but he suddenly felt lonely, not having anyone to wrap his arms around anything, he played with the ground with his foot slightly as he waited for the younger to speak about something, anything, Johnny just wants to hear his voice.

"You we've been so kind to me.. thank you, it's getting late I should really get going, I'll see you later hopefully?" Woojae asked, his fingers crossed behind his back as he saw Johnny nod, his face lit up and he hugged him again smiling brightly, he felt so happy to see Johnny again.

Woojae pulled away from Johnny still smiling, he turned and waved to the older male as he made his way away from the park, smiling like an idiot, he turned the corner and can no longer see Johnny, which was a bummer but he'll hopefully see him again. Woojae reached in his pocket to take his phone out but felt a peace of paper in his jean pockets, he looked at it puzzled.

He cautiously opened it only to start smiling like a Cheshire Cat again, written on the piece of paper was the name Johnny and a phone number, he turned his phone on to put the number in his contacts with the name.

'💕Johnny Hyung💕'


Johnny came back home to a panicked Taeyong, he sighed softly but smiled at him, he made his way up to the shorter male and hugged him tightly, swaying slightly, reassuring him that he was fine, he eventually pulled away and messed up Taeyong's red hair.

"Where were you? You made me so worried, you were out for ages!" Taeyong questioned as he leaned against Johnny's bedroom wall, watching the taller sit on his bed. He tried to make himself seem mad at the taller by crossing his arms but he was mainly worried and concerned for him, especially after his mother's disappearance.

"I went out to the park, I met a guy there" Johnny replied causing Taeyong to look at him slightly shocked, he hasn't spoken to anyone out of the castle for almost a month and now he's started speaking to people Taeyong was beyond pleased but also a little nervous.

"What's his name?" Taeyong spoke after a little bit of silence, he made his way over to Johnny and sat next to him, he watched the boys facial expression and noticed the boys face blush softly. Has he really fallen for a boy he just met?

There was a silence in a the room for a bit, Johnny was looking down at the floor and sighed softly, slightly resting his head on Taeyong's shoulder, he smiled softly as he thought of Woojae, his smile and hug scene replaying in his mind over and over.

"Woojae, his name is Woojae, he's really beautiful, he has dimples when he smiles and his voice is very nice, it's so soothing, you know I don't usually want people talking when I'm relaxing.. but his voice made me feel different.. I wanted to hear it all the time, I couldn't get enough of it."

Johnny rambled on about his face, voice, everything he could about the man, Taeyong sat their nodding in agreement, at the start he wanted to meet this Woojae guy, hoping he wasn't going to be a bad influence but by the sound of things Taeyong didn't need to see him, he sounded very friendly by the way Johnny described him, and he could tell when Johnny lies or not.

"Taeyong?" Johnny looked at Taeyong, getting a hum in response from the shorter "I think-" he started but was interrupted by a knock on his door. Taeyong sighed as Johnny got up to open the door, seeing Doyoung waiting with a straight expression on his face.

"Your father wants you Johnny" Doyoung spoke calmly, he glanced at Taeyong in the room but looked away quickly, which Taeyong didn't notice at all. Johnny turned and looked at boy on his bed and cleared his throat slightly to get his attention.

"I'll tell you what I was going to say later alright?" Johnny said not looking at Taeyong who only hummed in response again, he turned and followed Doyoung down the corridor towards his fathers room.


I really hope you liked this, it's my first actual story (apart from the Jaeyong story that needs to be edited and I need to contemplate its existence) I was actually scared to share this for some reason but I finally got the courage to publish it. Updates will be slow as usual.

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