Chapter 2

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I will possibly add Shotaro and Sungchan in this book in the near future but for now they won't be in it. But I never said I won't :)


Jaehyun sat on the stone wall and watched his legs dangle off the edge, although he was still quite tall his feet barely touched the floor. He looked at the screen of his phone seeing the message he sent to Johnny a little while ago, he was waiting for a reply from the elder and he was starting to think it was useless, maybe Johnny did this as a joke or maybe he gave him the wrong number. He sighed, running his fingers through his hair, putting his phone back in his jean pocket he pushed himself off the wall.

He was walking around town, trying to make himself not very noticeable to others, he kept his head down and slipped into an alleyway, leaning against the wall as he let out a sigh and took his phone out of his pocket to be met with disappointment when he still hasn't gotten a message from the elder, he shrugged it off to the elder being busy and put his phone back in his pocket, Johnny was a prince after all, Jaehyun knew very well how busy they can get.

He slowly walked down the alley, trying to be as quiet as he possible could until he got to a door near the end, and slowly pushed it open. He bit his lip hard and looked around the room, it was a very decrepit small living area, a three-seater sofa in the middle of this room that is on the verge of collapsing, there were no windows or lights in the room, instead it was lit by candles, evidentially been lit many times. The mixture of candle wax and petals infected the room, but it felt like home for him.

"Xionjun, Seonghwa, I'm back" Jae called out, being used to the quietness of the house, he made his away over to the sofa and carefully sat down on it, looking at the multicoloured candles on the wooden coffee table that was in front of him, he watched as the flames danced in the air, and as the wax rand down the candle.

Jaehyun sighed as no one answered, he should of known no one would be here, after all, it was mid day, the both of them were probably out somewhere. He got up from the sofa and made his way towards the bedrooms, making sure the two were not in, afterwards he made his way over to the kitchen, looking through the cupboards for something to eat.

Jae gave up after a little while and went back into the living room and glanced at the his phone, he picked it up and made his way over to the door, going back outside and locking it afterwards, the 23 year old looked at the sky, smiling softly at the clear blue sky, not seeing a cloud anywhere. He glanced down at his phone and to his surprise he saw a notification.

Jae opened his phone and looked at the message that was send, half disappointed as the message wasn't from Johnny, but also intrigued on who would send him a message. It was an unknown number. Jaehyun looked around where he stood. No one. He bit his lip as he glanced over the message.

'Meet me at xxx or Johnny gets it'


I'm sorry this isn't a good chapter, this was just a filler really and I needed to move the story on a bit more, even though it's chapter 2. The Jaeyong story is being written, I've finally gotten the inspiration to continue writing it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2020 ⏰

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