Heart Break

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We walked back to school, you wanted to practice more before a game comes up. You held my hand and I felt safe and loved for, but you only did to make up for earlier at the cafe. You almost never hold me, you are very anxious and don't know what to do. I cherish the moments where you do treat me like this, where you hold me close to your heart. I knew somewhere in your heart you do also have feelings for me, your hands are sweaty and clammy, you were nervous right now. The thought of it makes me smile so I laid my head on your shoulders as we walked.

I opened the door to the volleyball court, you immediately started to practice with your friends. I chatted off with the girls volleyball team, "Tooru Oikawa is so attractive, right?" One of the girls ask me and showed me a picture. "Totally, but I've heard some rumors about him and one of his previous juniors." Oikawa being attractive was an undeniable fact, but Akaashi, you are better every single way. I smile while looking at you, making eye contact with you to only see you glaring at me. My eyes widened, I am surprised by the angry look and aura you were giving to me. I looked away and took a deep breath, that was a face I've never seen before. Maybe something happened while practicing and he was mad about it, yes that's got to be it right, right? I pushed it off and continued talking with my friends, but that look you gave me was still etched into my head.

After a few practice rounds, everyone started packing up. I helped put up the net, you averted your eyes from me every time we met eyes. I tried to talk to you while putting the balls away but you started to talk Bokuto as soon as I got around. What did I do wrong? My body was filled with panic, my body shaking. You walked outside, I followed you and tried to grab your arm, you moved it away, avoiding me. You looked back at me, it was that same face from earlier. My body froze from your icy glare, with all I could I tried to reach out to you once more. "Let's break up." You say sternly, glaring at me. I was taken aback from what you just told me. "Huh?" The only word I was able to let out. "Let's end this." You say once more, you turn your head forward away from me. I hold my hand to my chest. "Okay." My heart skipped a beat, my head is empty, am I breathing right? I turn around and stumble to back inside. Going back inside I leaned back on the wall, I gripped my chest. This will be hard for me since I'm the manager of the Fukurodani Academy volleyball team.

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