Successor: Part 1 - Introduction

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Hello everyone and welcome to Naruto - The Successor: Part one 

Sorry, this was late I went to Whistler for another week. I was also thinking of another book idea where Naruko is put under a Jutsu where he is a boy and the only way to get rid of the Jutsu is by a kiss with the person you love. The pairs will be SasukeXNaruko

(This story was the winner in my other book. I also try to keep every single chapter 1000 words long.) Anyways let's get right into it!!

* Everything Goes Exactly like the anime, but Naruto's parents are alive and he has a brother and sister who look exactly like their mother while Naruto looks like his father. Naruto has the soul and the body while Naruko and Menma has the chakra *

Naruto is being held by Hiruzen Sarutobi (The Sandaime Hokage) while Naruko and Menma are being held by Kushina Uzumaki, Minato Namikaze is near the village gates with Jiraiya of the Sannin waiting for Kushina. "Aren't you going to hold young Naruto here as well?" Hiruzen asked, "And why would I want to hold the FREAKIN KYUUBI IN MY HANDS HE IS NOTHING BUT THE DEMON ITSELF DON'T PUT THAT THING NEAR ME OR ANYONE IS THAT CLEAR!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?  I AM LEAVING RIGHT NOW WITH MYYY HEROS OF THE LEAF VILLAGE AND THE CHILDREN OF PROPHECY" Kushina screamed and then left (little did they know that someone with most of his face covered with bandages heard this and also left telling the villagers about Naruto -You probably already know who he is-), Hiruzen was beyond shocked that the woman he thought of as a daughter was speaking to her son like that and then he left as well raged with Kushina and her 'family' he was going to the council and already made up his mind about not telling the council his heritage and the Kyuubi.

* Time Skip - 3 Years (and a half)Later *

Here we see Naruto Uzumaki running away from the villagers... Why you may ask?... Well, the villagers are beating the 'Kyuubi reformed' and that is their only reason there is anyways. . . We see Naruto running away from the villagers while they are screaming "Why won't you die demon!" "Finish what the Yondaime started!" "Monster!" "Fox!" he is heading to Training grounds #44 Naruto is suffering from malnutrition (basically means that he is not able to grow regularly and his growth is slowed down a lot) and is unable to run fast. When Naruto sees the gates of the training grounds he tries to go there only for the shinobi throw several kunai at him when he sees that there is going to be absolutely no way to dodge it, time slows down and he can predict where the kunai is going to be thrown so he follows his instincts and catches one of the kunai mid-air and deflects the other ones but one gets past him and hits him on the shoulder, but still manages to escape to the Forest of Death (Naruto knows this btw this is his escape route) when he is inside the villagers and the shinobi think that he won't survive in there then they smirk and leave.

* In the Forest of Death *

When Naruto is in the Forest of Death Naruto starts looking for a lake of some sort and finally, after about an hour of searching comes across a river and looks at his eyes he is stunned by this and whispers to himself "What is this?" He is looking at his blood red-eye with two tomoes on each eye while looking he can feel that it is taking up chakra to use so he stops the flow on the eyes and his eyes turn back to the ocean blue like before and notices something shining and 'glowing' in the river when he picks it up he looks at it and notices that it is a necklace with six tomoes around and says to himself "Wow this is cool, I'm going to keep it, finders keepers, losers weepers!" and he puts it on only for a blinding light to appear in front of him and out appears an old man with purple ringed eyes and he says "Hello Naruto-Kun -Who are you and how do you know my name?!- no need to be afraid you may not know me, but my name is Hagoromo Otsusuki aka the Sage Of Six Paths" "Wow um sorry forsaying that hehe (realizes who he is) holy moly you are literally a god, but why are you here old man" Naruto says very confused at why a freakin' God is right in front of him, the Sage's eye twitched slightly at being called old but still continued to "Well you see my time is ending and I have to choose my successor-Naruto cuts in-'So who did you choose' well I choose you Naruto-Kun so now follow me alright we are going to be training for about a thousand years in reality but for us and everyone here it will be about ten years so what do you say?" Naruto thinks for a second before saying "Can I give a letter to Jiji to say goodbye?" "Of course you can that is why I already wrote one explaining everything," Said Hagoromo "Okay and one to Itachi-nii too!" Naruto says "I also gave one to him too," Hagoromo said while smiling.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2020 ⏰

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