Random bullshit 3 - Darkness

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It's night. You're driving down a road, dark and desolate. Behind the wheel, you're tires and alone, consumed by the silence of the dark and desolate woods. The only source of light other than your headlights are the flashes of lightning from the storm looming above. The trees, with each flash of lightning, create ominous shadows that spill across the road ahead of you, both impressive and foreboding. Your foot suddenly slips on the break pedal when you see the figure of a man standing in the middle of the road facing you, illuminated by the headlights. You swerve and loose control of the car and it skids off the road. It's dark again. You wake up dazed by the impact; you are safe, but do not know where you are or who that man was. Was he really there, or was he just a figment of your imagination? The rain begins to pour even harder, creating a metallic drumming sound as it pounds against your car. You lift your head and see what might be the only place for miles to seek shelter from the storm, an old dilapidated mansion, seemingly abandoned. Or is it?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2020 ⏰

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