2) New year. New me. New school. New f*ckboy?

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August 5, 2019
11:24 a.m.

Flash back to 1 month ago...

I walk out of the door of my parents house, teary eyed and nose red from all the crying, saying goodbye to my parents before I move out to my dorm where im gonna live with my bestfriend Yeri until I find my own apartment to live in once im done with college.

This year is gonna be my last year of high school, meaning I have 1 year left until college.

Ive been trying to persue my dream of photography and become a professional photographer and work for Idols in the kpop industry.

But I also want some professional help to get my skills perfect to work for idols obviously.

I walk outside and walk to Yeri's car that is behind a truck with all my belongings inside. "Are you ready for this Y/n-ah?" She says while I get inside the car of the blonde haired girl.

I look at her and nod my head, too emotional to say anything. Ive always been attached to my parents and my twin brother of course.

His name is Jimin and he is super protective and I really dont mind. He isnt the type to yell at what you are wearing so im lucky about that.

"Jimin" is now identified...

Jimin: Brother/Annoying kid

Once im able to calm down, I turn on the radio to play some music. I adjust the volume so I can still be able to talk to Yeri without repeating myself in a louder tone.

"How is Tae?" I ask my bestfriend about her brother. "He is good. Still annoying as ever!" She responds.

"Tae" is now identified...

Taehyung: Friends little brother/Also an annoying kid

"What about Jimin?" She asks this time about my brother. "Eh. He is good too. We will be seeing him this year at high school but since that boy is such a lazy asshole, he still lives with my parents." I say while looking outside the window.

"Should we just move in our boxes inside the dorm and eat some McDonald's and then unpack and organize the dorm?" I asked her as my stomach felt kinda empty.

"Hell yeah! Thats what im talking about!!" She says as she turns up the volume on the radio while we are bopping to the newest song named [Song name of your choice] by [artist of the song].

And thats how our week went. Organizing and making the dorm feel cozy and comfy for the crazy years ahead of us.

Present day...

September 23, 2019
12:10 p.m.

As me and Yeri and my brother, Jimin, take our food that the high school provides us, we see people talking about a new student who is going to be coming to the school next week.

"Hopefully its a girl so we can be friends with her..." Yeri said as we take our food outside in the courtyard.

"Hopefully.." I say back.

September 30, 2019
5:00 a.m.

Today the new kid is coming. So I wanted to make a good impression of myself. So because of that, I woke up extra early.

I walk to my closet and pick out my outfit. Once I pick it out, I lay it on my bed, grab a towel and head my way towards the bathroom to get myself washed up.

After I am done changing a dry my hair with the blow dryer and heat up my curler. I start to curl my hair into nice flowy curls.


I put on my lanyard and my shoes so that I wont forget it and go downstairs to get my keys and go to a nearby cafe to get my coffee

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I put on my lanyard and my shoes so that I wont forget it and go downstairs to get my keys and go to a nearby cafe to get my coffee.

At school...

I get to school and see Yeri waiting for me at the entrance of the school building. I wave at her as I walk to her. "Sorry I didnt wake you up. I wanted to get coffee and relax a little..." I tell her."Its fine. Atleast I woke up!" She says with a slight laugh. I nod and we walk to class.

We sit down at our usual seats, right at the middle. Not at the front but not at the back. Just perfect. We notice that we are the first ones in class so we just chat for a little.

We start to see the class slowly fill up until someone catches my eye.

I just wish I knew I was up for some trouble...

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