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"Well don't you look extra bright today?"

"I told you, you didn't have to pick me up here, you're making your boyfriend wait," Soonyoung retorts along with a roll of his eyes, contradicting the wide smile painted on his lips.

"He'll understand. So how'd it go?" Soonyoung peers at the question, suddenly feeling jittery upon remembering the whole reason of his absurd display of happiness. He grips on the taller man's forearm tightly, bouncing with balls on his feet as he giggles.

"Judging from that, you did well?"

"Mingyu, it's more than well. I totally aced it, Wonwoo is the best!" Soonyoung exclaims as he squishes Mingyu's cheeks as if it helps emphasize his point.

"I know he is, that's why he's my boyfriend," the older snorts at that, giving the taller a teasing pinch on he's shoulder muscles.

The two start their way to the university cafe where the said man's boyfriend is waiting. They planned ahead of time that Soonyoung's going to spend time with his friends after his exam, no matter what the result is.

And maybe, just maybe, he's the one treating. That is because Wonwoo was a great help.

For the past two weeks, Soonyoung got nothing else in his mind aside from the incoming final. As a scholar, he definitely needs to ace his marks every exam and project there is just to make sure he keeps his feet on the university ground. Luckily, he's blessed with a very hands on, same courses, friend, helping him go through the lessons Soonyoung missed because of dozing off during discussions. There's a few complains from Wonwoo though, however, Soonyoung knows how the younger is actually happy on reviewing with him since he gets to relearn some stuff as well. The tiger couldn't be more thankful.

"Oh, that means you get to know why Seungcheol and Jihoon hyung have been on my tail for weeks," with that remark, Soonyoung's eyes grew, realizing the deal he made two weeks ago.

"And that you're gonna end up having a date with the loves of your life or Wonu hyungie and I," the taller resumes as he raises his brows playfully to himself, seeming satisfied on what he just heard as he opens the door to the cafe. Immediately spotting his boyfriend with 4 other men; Seungcheol, Jihoon, Jeonghan and Hansol.

"I blacked that out..." Soonyoung's mind starts to drift away as he overthinks. Now realizing that he made two deals and didn't even think through it properly.

Mingyu drags him by his hand towards the rectangular table of six, greeted by a look of spite from Seungcheol and a glaring Jihoon at their held hands. Soonyoung misses, though, since now he's clouded of the thought on how the deals would end up.

"Soonie hyung aced his exams!" The puppy announces as he pushes Soonyoung down to seat between him and Seuncheol, in front of Jeonghan. Wonwoo is delighted at the news, as much as everyone else, greeting Soonyoung happily that brings the said one to reality again.


"So, will you guys tell me now?"

Soonyoung, Jihoon and Seungcheol arrives at the latter two's shared dorm after their small gathering at the cafe. With a take-out from the Thai restaurant on the way, they settle themselves on the dining table, ready for dinner.

As Jihoon and Seungcheol knows what their friend is implying, they give each other a knowing look before facing Soonyoung again. The youngest stands up from his seat to fix the table with utensils for them to use as Seungcheol clears his throat.

"He's hogging on you," the tiger on the other side of the table tilts his head in cofusion, albeit staying silent, waiting for more context on what the older just said.

there's still you with us // soonhooncheolTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon